
how to start the api locally:

  • pull changes
  • create new conda environment and pip install requirements.txt inside summarization_service module
# note python must be at most 3.6 or some packages wont install
conda create -n nlp_summ python=3.6
conda activate nlp_summ
pip install -r summarizer_service/requirements.txt
  • once installed start the API by running this command: python
  • the endpoint that you will have to use to send POST requests is :

how to run the ui locally

  • pull changes
  • make a ui virtual env for the ui dependencies
virtualenv appui 
source appui/bin/activate
pip install -r ui/requirements.txt
  • run the streamlit app
streamlit run ui/
  • it should automatically open on port 8501 and open in your default web browser
  • then enter a reivew in the text box and hit the button "add review" and the model will summarize what you typed and output its abstractive summary for comparison

Build the docker images

Ensure you have docker installed on your system and open a terminal. Navigate into /summarizer_service and run:

docker build -t summary_api .
docker run -it --rm --name summary_cont -p 5000:5000 summary_api

Navigate into /ui and run

docker build -t summary_ui .
docker run -it --rm --name summary_ui -p 8501:8501 summary_ui
# if running locally, open up your browser and navigate to localhost:8501

In order for the sumamrization to work, you must have both containers running when interacting with the ui.

Get the images from dockerhub

The image is avaialble in my public dockerhub repo: chrisalert/nlp-ops-workhop:summary_api

docker pull chrisalert/nlp-ops-workshop:summary_api
docker pull chrisalert/nlp-ops-workshop:summary_ui