MYOB Coding Excercise

Running the code

You will need

  • Git
  • Visual Studio 2015
  1. Clone the repo from GitHub
    git clone
  2. Open the solution in Visual Studio 2015
  3. Build the solution (F6) (this will download nuget packages)
  4. Paste test data into input.csv

To Run Tests

Double-click "runtests.bat" from the file explorer

To Run Console Application

  • Make sure to paste in test data into "input.csv"
  • Make sure solution has been built
  • Just hit F5 in Visual Studio and console app will run


  • UTF-8 input file
  • File contains up to 50000 records
  • Each record in the input file has been validated already
  • Database is not needed as will process all recoreds in memory
  • I'm not sure about the "Pay Period" field. Im assuming its static text in the form of:
     {1st day of Month, Month} - {Last day of Month, Month}
    The intructions say it is a calculated field but the test data it is just static text?


  • I decided that a user interface is not important for this task. I've focused on the domain layer and unit tests and not on presentaion aspects.