
This package provides a set of utilities for various database handling tasks, including executing SQL queries, scanning results into structs, and working with DBML (Database Markup Language) through its DBMLParser module. It leverages Go's generic features to offer flexible and type-safe database interaction and schema manipulation.

Modules and Functions


  • ExecuteQuery: Execute SQL queries with parameters and scan the results into slices of a specified struct type.


  • ParseDBML: Parses a string containing DBML content into a Schema struct, representing the database schema defined within. This function enables the easy manipulation and analysis of database schemas directly

  • GenerateSQLFromSchema: Takes a Schema struct as input and generates SQL statements for creating the database schema as defined in the struct


  • Go 1.18 or higher
  • A SQL database driver compatible with Go's database/sql package (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL).


To install DBHandlers, run the following command in your project directory:

go get github.com/ChrisBolis99/DBHandlers