MV* framework, opinionated Controllers, Markup, Services, Testing, Routing, Directives, Testing, do components course afterwards s Angular only wants you to manipulate DOM inside directives ( or use partial templates )
- = Controller/Presenter/ViewModel, Angular uses Controller
Two way binding
Karma = test tool built for Angular
Extends HTML volcabulary with directives e.g. support extra attributes on stand elements or complete new elements in HTML
Forward thinking, to support future tech, e.g. : Web Components, encapsulate HTML, Javascript and CSS Object.observe, will benefit from performance improvements when this is available, for documentation
Two Way Binding As user uses form the model is automatically updated
Has Dirty Checking So can use plain JavaScript objects
Has Dependency Injection
Controller contains logic and state Views/Directives - one way and two way binding Services - place to contain core business logic and state of project, communicate with server
A controllers primary responsibility is to create a scope object A scope object is what is used to communicate with a view thru two way communication Events on the view can call methods on scope and access properties on scope The scope is NOT the model The model is the data thats put into the scope
Some built in directives : ng-src="{{event.imageUrl}}" // delays loading of image until angular loaded ng-click="upVoteSession(session); ng-repeat="session in event.sessions"
Four different ways to write directives, most directives dont support all forms : or
Some Event directives : ngClick ngDblClick ngMousedown ngMouseenter ngMouseleave ngMousemove ngMouseover ngMouseup ngChange // detects a change event on a lot of HTML elements, requires that ngModel attribute is also defined on the tag
Other directives : ng-app="eventsApp" and in app.js : var eventsApp = angular.module('eventsApp', []); ngBind="" ng-bind-template="{{}} {{}}" ngBindHtml // requires angular-sanitize.js ngBindHtmlUnsafe