This Angular 2 project allows you to control the (Phillips Hue) lights in your house.
Create a file called config.json to contain your Phillips Hue bridge address and username. Click here to see how to find bridge address and create username on hue bridge
An example file is : { "hue" : { "bridgeaddress" : "yourhuebridgeaddress", "bridgeusername" : "yourhuebridgeusername" } }
npm install
This downloads and installs dependencies.
npm start
This will start a filewatcher for compiling typescript .ts=>.js
And lite-server is responsible for "...serves the static content, detects changes, refreshes the browser..."
Development is at a very early stage so roadmap is rough.
[ ] Create Angular service to talk to hue bridge.
[ ] huelightbulb rendering to reflect bulb on/off/unknown
[ ] huelightbulb to render in correct colour
[ ] clicking on huelightbulb to toggle power state on/off
[ ] Allow huelightbulb colour to be changed by user
[ ] add a huelightbulblist component showing all bulbs on bridge
[ ] assist other users in configuring bridge connection
[ ] support for viewing and maintaining alarms. e.g. wakeup alarms