
Read temperature from ds18x20 on esp32 board

Primary LanguagePython



Micropython >= 1.21

A few simple lines to read the temperature from multiple ds18x20 sensors on a ESP32 board with micropython and publish it via mqtt to your mqtt-broker. This little software contains a Website to configure friendly-names for the sensors, reboot the esp or delete missing devices from devices.json.




Includes the Main code.

You can connect on Pin 0 a red LED and on Pin 2 a blue LED to check if wifi is down (red led turn on) and if a mqtt message is sent (blue led pulse for 1 sec)

wifi_led = ledfunc(Pin(0, Pin.OUT, value = 1)) # Red LED for WiFi fail/not ready yet blue_led = ledfunc(Pin(2, Pin.OUT, value = 0)) # Message send


The config.json includes your configuration in json-format. The config in the config.json of the repo includes all important config keywords.

possible configs:

    "ssid" : "YOUR_SSID",
    "wifi_pw" : "YOUR_PASSWORD",
    "machinePin" : 32,
    "server" : "IP_ADDRESS",
    "port" : 1111,              // default 1883
    "user" : "USERNAME",        // default None
    "password" : "PASSWORD",      // default None
    "ntp": "IP_ADDRESS or DNS",     // default None
    "topicPub" : "esp32/",           // default "esp32/"
    "webreplpw": "MYPASSWORD", // webreplpassword need to configure webrepl
    "homeassistant": true,  // default false
    "name": "heater"    // default None, needs in combination with homeassistant for device name


The devices.json includes all connected ds18x20 sensors. The sensors will automaticliy append to this file on startup and you get information with mqtt message at esp32/system if new sensors are found.

You can set a friendly name for each temperature sensor via website. On this website you can remove old sensors which aren't on the onewire-bus anymore.

hint: For the ds18x20 you need a pull-up resistor to read values from it. Most tutorials recommended a 4k7 resistor. In my build, i have 8 sensor running and i needed approximately 1k5 ohm. With bigger resistant not all sensors were identified on the bus.


you will get following mqtt topics:


get a timestamp from last transmission to mqtt-broker formattet in:

dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss


get the connection state to mqtt-broker:

'Online' or


get the temperature of the ds18x20 sensors in °C