
Old project being rewritten in js.

Primary LanguageHTML


Old project being rewritten in js.

How to use:

  1. Download folder from this repo.

  2. Open menu.html file with the option "open with" and select your chrome browser.

  3. Make sure screen is maximized.

  4. Fill out menu options and click submit.

    • Fr Ratio: The the number you would like the the Ipad for the last 4 trials to be.
    • Blackout: The number in seconds you like the script to rest after completion of trial
    • Switch sides: Enter 1 to start the script with Ipad, 2 to start the book.
    • First time: Enter the word (Yes) to include the min/max trial. Enter "No" to disregard.
    • First time max amount: The number you want the min/max trial fr_value to be. Set to 0 if not in use.
    • of FR Trials: The number of FR trials you want to occur toward the end of the session.



Leftarrow = Clicks the left side of the screen.

Rightarrow = Clicks the rightside of the screen.


Mouse: Can use the mouse to click on object if skip is needed. Make sure to record those responses seperately.


Test results of latest version 7/8/17

[no switch, no first time] --> PASSED

[no switch, first time] --> PASSED

[switch, no first time] --> PASSED

[switch, first time] --> PASSED

Data used

Child ID: Rubin

FR Ratio: 3

Blackout: 5

Session #: 1

(#) of Fr Trials: 6

Data Notes

Time_Trial: Subtract the blackout time for each time_trial data point on export sheet except for the first trial. Min/Max trials are NOT included. Make sure to account for the time gap in the proceeding trial.