Kondor is an open source LCD (mask) 3D printer firmware started by 2 team members of Peopoly. Our goal is to create a flexible firmware that can run on different types of boards and is ideal for experimentation and customization.
Here are the key features:
- Drive 2 LCDs via SPI + HDMI for improves performance over UART
- Easy to get and low-cost BOM
- Runs on inexpensive easy to acquire boards like Pi 3B
- Able to do 4K
- Core is C++
- Ability to drive DLP (not at initial launch)
Launch Steps:
- Shared BOM and img for Pi3 for public testing while we clean up the source for release and take care of bugs as needed until it is stable.
- Then when the firmware is more stable and cleaned up, we will release source code.
I also want to take this chance to share with you why we started this project: We want to give back to the open source community because we learned from projects like Marlin, Cura, and others. We believe there should be more open source projects launched by Asian developers and we want to do our fair share.
While the project is launched by 2 guys from Asia, it belongs to the world. Join us to have some fun printing, testing and pushing the project forward.
Pre-flight 5/12/2019
The first stage is making sure testers have the Pi 3B and can connect the slicer to the firmware. Please use this Google doc for instructions for now: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19AATh-Tu5reST9AKc0AZlHu6AHty7qCWfsSJ5gP3phQ/edit?usp=sharing We will move the descrition to github once we have the firmware more tested out.
Todo List 5/14/2019
Here's some ideas we need to do.
- translate some Chinese to English
- record the device ip by default
- hide/remove the autosupport temporarily
Pi Server Controler
- add auto connect serial port
- test the gcode sender in the pi, test z motor and titlt motor
- report the pi's IP when the software start
- fix the virtual keyboard bug
Kondor was ported from a DLP printer controller code and we found that parts of the codes are not needed or not practical for LCD printers (especially one with a small 3.5" screen). We have since updated the code to reflect user feedback:
- Kondor Slicer - This is for slicing, adding support and simple transfer of the files for printing.
- Kondor Device Manager - This is for managing printers running Kondor. It can be used to discover printers and send files.
- Kondor Pi Image - This is the Kondor image for Pi3. This firmware allows Pi3 to control LCD panels and talk to the Slicer and Device Manager.
- Kondor Marlin - This is for 2560 RAMPS 1.4 board. It is used to control motors and the main LED/light source.
Above are the 4 corner stones for Kondor project. Below is the basic UI
In Kondor Pi Image中,We utilize RaspAP for setting network configuration. Please see the link if you want to learn more.
- Ramp1.4 Marlin,控制电机,如下为引脚分布: