
ReactGPT is a web application that demonstrates the seamless integration of ChatGPT with the React framework, showcasing the capabilities and benefits of conversational AI in interactive user experiences and operational efficiencies.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Prod Project Files

This project contains a set of configuration and component files for a React application. Below are descriptions and documentation for each file included in the 'Prod' view of our Airtable.

Configuration Files

  1. .babelrc - Configures Babel for a beginner React project. Dependencies: @babel/core, @babel/preset-env, @babel/preset-react, @babel/plugin-transform-runtime.

  2. webpack.config.js - Configures Webpack to generate a single compiled JS file named 'bundle.js' for easier deployment. Dependencies: webpack, webpack-cli, html-webpack-plugin, style-loader, css-loader, babel-loader, @babel/preset-react.

  3. package.json - Defines the project's metadata, dependencies, and scripts for managing a React application with Tailwind CSS. Dependencies: React, ReactDOM, react-scripts, Tailwind CSS.

  4. index.html - Serves as the HTML template for the React application, containing the root div where the app will be mounted.

React Components

  1. index.js - Entry point of the React application, which renders the App component into the DOM. Dependencies: React, ReactDOM.

  2. App.js - Main React component integrating multiple styling libraries. Dependencies: React, React Bootstrap, Material UI, Tailwind CSS.

  3. useAirtableHooks.js - Combines three specific React hooks for fetching and managing data from Airtable. Dependencies: react, axios.

  4. HeroWithProps.js - Customizable hero section for a landing page, using Material UI with props. Dependencies: React, Material UI.