
Collection of dockerfiles for use within Markup

Primary LanguageM4


Dockerfiles for use within Markup & CI

Images should be pushed to https://hub.docker.com/u/markupglasgow/

How to use

Although Docker does not natively support includes we are using Makefiles to reuse a few bits of code along with speed up building different tags of images in a controlled manner.

Build PHP with composer

This will generate an image tagged with a composer suffix i.e. markupglasgow/php:7.0-cli-composer

make build -e COMPOSER=true

Build PHP for a certain version

make build -e IMAGE_TAG=7.1.2-cli

This will generate an image tagged as markupglasgow/php:7.1.2-cli

Pushing the Images

To push the images to dockerhub just issue the push command to make, also make all can be used.

make push