
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

E-Shop Project

This project is an e-commerce experimental platform for the Software Security course.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Make sure you have the following software installed:

  • Python 3.11.2
  • PostgreSQL 13+
  • pgAdmin 8.6


Setting up the Backend (Django)

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ChrisDaskalos/e-shop_softsec.git cd e-shop_softsec

  2. Set up a virtual environment:

    python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate

    On Windows use:


  3. Install the required Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Set up the database:

    • Ensure PostgreSQL is running and create a database named eshopdb.
    • Create a user named eshopuser with password 1234 and grant all privileges on the database.
  5. Apply migrations:

    python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate

  6. Run the SSL server:

    Before running the SSL server, make sure you have SSL certificates placed in the ssl directory of your project.

    python manage.py runsslserver

Available Pages

Below is a list of all the available pages in the e-shop project:

1. Login Page

URL: /

Login Page

Description: This is the landing page where users can log in to their accounts.

2. Product Catalogue Page

URL: /products/

Product Catalogue Page Product Catalogue Page

Description: Displays the product catalogue available to authenticated users. Users can search for products and add them to their cart.

3. Add to Cart

URL: /add_to_cart/<product_id>/

Add to Cart

Description: Adds a selected product to the user's shopping cart.

4. Cart and Checkout Page

URL: /checkout/

Cart and Checkout Page

Description: Shows the items in the user's cart and allows them to enter their shipping information. Users can review their order details and submit the order.

5. Order Summary Page

URL: /order_summary/

Order Summary Page

Description: Provides a summary of the user's order before final submission.

6. Order Confirmation Page

URL: /order_confirmation/

Order Confirmation Page

Description: Displays the confirmation of the user's order once it has been successfully placed.

7. Logout

URL: /logout/


Description: Logs the user out and redirects them to the login page.

Security Features

The e-shop project implements several security features:

  1. HTTPS Only: All content is available only via HTTPS.
  2. Secure Cookies: Session and CSRF cookies are configured to be secure.
  3. CSRF Protection: Cross-Site Request Forgery protection is enabled.
  4. Rate Limiting: Rate limiting is implemented on login attempts.
  5. Content Security Policy (CSP): The application has a Content Security Policy to mitigate XSS attacks.
  6. HSTS: HTTP Strict Transport Security is enforced to ensure all communication is over HTTPS.
  7. SQL Injection Prevention Mechanisms: Django ORM query operations and other integrated security measures prevent SQL injection.
  8. HTML Escaping: HTML content is escaped to prevent XSS attacks.
  9. SameSite Cookies: The SameSite attribute is applied to cookies to prevent CSRF attacks.
  10. Django Integrated Security Measures: Additional security measures provided by Django to tackle various threats.