High Contrast Imaging Laboratory

Primary LanguagePython


High Contrast Integral Field Spectrograph



Using the free and open source Anaconda Python Distribution is recommended. It already contains the astropy package, and simplifies package management and deployment.

To run a laboratory experiment, the following python packages must be installed:

  • win32com --- allows to control the camera (works on Windows only)
  • serial ----- allows controlling the laser and filter wheel
  • bmc -------- allows controlling the DMs (courtesy of Boston Micromachines Corporation)
  • PyAPT ------ allows controlling the motorized stages (also requires APT.dll and APT.lib from https://github.com/mcleu/PyAPT/tree/master/APTDLLPack/DLL)

Quick Start Guide

import HCIFS
from HCIFS.Experiment import Experiment

# create an HCIFS Experiment 
expt = Experiment('sampleScript')

# run wavefront control in imaging mode (QSI camera)
# run wavefront control in spectrograph mode (IFS)

# generate a datacube using the IFS


  • The shaped pupil coronagraph for planet finding coronagraphy: optimization, sensitivity, and laboratory testing, Kasdin et al. 2004
  • Optimal dark hole generation via two deformable mirrors with stroke minimization, Pueyo et al. 2009
  • Kalman filtering techniques for focal plane electric field estimation, Groff and Kasdin 2013
  • Recursive starlight and bias estimation for high-contrast imaging with an extended Kalman filter, Riggs, Kasdin, and Groff 2016
  • Methods and limitations of focal plane sensing, estimation, and control in high-contrast imaging, Groff et al. 2015
  • Identification of the focal plane wavefront control system using EM algorithm, Sun, Kasdin, and Vanderbei 2017
  • First light of the High Contrast Integral Field Spectrograph (HCIFS), Delacroix, Sun, Galvin, et al. 2018


Created by Christian Delacroix

Written by Matthew Grossman, He Sun, and Christian Delacroix.