
k8s manifests for deployment of Talkyard forum software.

Primary LanguageJsonnetMIT LicenseMIT


k8s manifests for deployment of Talkyard forum software.

The manifests within this repository are fairly minimal and does not include persistent storage, resource requests/limits, HA-configuration etc. The idea is that custom configurations can be done with Tanka or Kustomize.

For docker-compose install see official repository: github.com/debiki/talkyard-prod-one

Talkyard source repository: github.com/debiki/talkyard

How to deploy/quickstart

Two alternatives:

  1. With Tanka and leverage this repository as a jsonnet library.
  2. With Kustomize as a remote resource. For a more detailed step-by-step guide view this blog post.

1. Tanka


  • k8s cluster with amd64 nodes
  • kubectl installed and $KUBECONFIG configured with the cluster
  • Tanka and Jsonnet Bundler installed. See tanka.dev/install


  1. Initialize a new Tanka project and import this repository as a library.

    mkdir talkyard && cd talkyard
    tk init
    jb install github.com/ChrisEke/talkyard-k8s/lib/talkyard@main
  2. Custom configuration of the Talkyard deployment should be done in directory environments/default (or whichever environment that is preferred).


    • Talkyard-app expects configuration file play-framework.conf for custom configurations such as hostname, SMTP, user authentications etc. Place play-framework.conf in environments/default directory and update desired parameters.
    • Update main.jsonnet to include play-framework.conf as a ConfigMap.
    • Update spec.json with k8s cluster endpoint and namespace
    • By default namespace "talkyard" is created. This can be changed in main.jsonnet.

    Examples from environments/tanka-example


    (import 'talkyard/talkyard.libsonnet')
      app+: {
        // Includes play-framework.conf as a ConfigMap which Talkyard-app will mount as a config volume.
        playFrameworkConfigMap: $.core.v1.configMap.new('app-play-framework-conf')
                                + $.core.v1.configMap.withData({
                                  'app-prod-override.conf': importstr 'play-framework.conf',
      _config+:: {
        namespace: 'my-namespace',
        app+:: {
          // Settings for Java heap size as well as many of the parameters in play-framework-conf
          // can be specified as environment variables
          env+:: {
            PLAY_HEAP_MEMORY_MB: '256',
            BECOME_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS: 'example@example.com',
            TALKYARD_HOSTNAME: 'example.com',
        search+:: {
          env+:: {
            ES_JAVA_OPTS: '-Xms192m -Xmx192m',


      "apiVersion": "tanka.dev/v1alpha1",
      "kind": "Environment",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "environments/tanka-example"
      "spec": {
        "apiServer": "https://my-k8s-cluster:6443",
        "namespace": "my-namespace",
        "resourceDefaults": {},
        "expectVersions": {}
  3. Apply to k8s cluster:

    tk apply environments/default
  4. Add secrets talkyard-app-secrets and talkyard-rdb-secrets. Talkyard app and rdb will not be able to start without these being set.

    kubectl create secret generic --namespace=talkyard talkyard-app-secrets --from-literal=play-secret-key='my-secret-key'
    kubectl create secret generic --namespace=talkyard talkyard-rdb-secrets --from-literal=postgres-password='my-postgres-password'

2. Kustomize



  1. Create a project area

    mkdir talkyard && cd talkyard
  2. Setup kustomization.yaml-file. Example configMapGenerator and secretGenerator has been included for mandatory configuration and secrets.

    cat << EOF > kustomization.yaml
    apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: Kustomization
    namespace: talkyard
    - name: app-play-framework-conf
      - app-prod-override.conf=play-framework.conf
      - name: talkyard-app-secrets
          - play-secret-key='my-secret-key'
      - name: talkyard-rdb-secrets
          - postgres-password='my-postgres-password'
    - github.com/ChrisEke/talkyard-k8s
  3. Include file play-framework.conf in the project directory and update parameters to desired values.

  4. Apply to k8s cluster.

    kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -

Running in mixed amd64/arm cluster

Add nodeSelector to deployments:


Create a patch file:

cat << EOF > patch-nodeSelector.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: Whatever
        kubernetes.io/arch: amd64

Reference it in kustomization.yaml:

  - path: patch-nodeSelector.yaml
      kind: Deployment

Verifying deployment on localhost

Port-forward of Talkyard web service on localhost with an unpriviliged port might result in a blank page. This is due to the $port being stripped from the request URL-header for additional site assets, which consequently leads to failure of loading said assets.

A temporary fix is to modify the web pod, example:

kubectl exec web-546846b96d-f7vfq -- \
  sed -i 's/proxy_set_header Host \$host/proxy_set_header Host \$http_host/' \

kubectl exec web-546846b96d-f7vfq -- nginx -s reload

Changing nginx parameter $host to $http_host has some security implications. A better and more permanent solution is to apply an ingress object infront of the web service and configure it with a proper URL.