ChrisFrontDev's Following
- 99TaxisSão Paulo, SP, Brazil
- adrianoapj@rocketseat
- alopes-devWorking remotely
- amaurybsouzaCI&T
- askidesNomad
- aws-samples
- belqrEu Medico Residente
- EB1811London
- Faceplugin-ltdUnited Kingdom
- gabrielkrappBrasil
- GabyperinSão Paulo
- greatfrontendUnited States of America
- isyuricunhaBrazil
- johncarlosofficial
- JoshuaGrossFacebook
- legitimuzbr
- leo-the-nardoNTSec
- nathanchapman@GibsonAI
- obetomuniz@grafana
- OffcierCiaDonations: officercia.eth
- pedrostyxxSerodonto
- peduarte@raycast
- PicPay
- rafaelmaiach
- RafaelmdcarneiroO2D On Demand Development
- rocketseat-creators-program
- rsNetflix
- rstoenescu@quasarframework
- SoftoDevRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
- SWORDHealth
- swordhealth-interviewer
- ThePrimeagenCEO Of TheStartup
- trekhlebUber
- uzochukwueddie
- zenorocha@resend