Primary LanguageC++

The Apogee to Apogee Path Sampler (AAPS)

Reference: C. Sherlock, S. Urbas and M. Ludkin: The Apogee to Apogee Path Sampler. | arXiv

You will need the C++ library Eigen installed.

To compile: in the AAPS directory type


you may need to edit compAAPS if Eigen is installed elsewhere on your machine. Type


to see the options. For example, to run on the 10d test target for 10000 iterations, printing every 1000 iterations, using K=5, Wtype=3 and epsilon=1.2 use

./AAPS 0 10000 1000 1 0 3 1.2 5

Output appears in the Output directory; if this directory does not exist you will need to create it.

To run for 10^4 iterations, printing output every 10^3, on a 40d logistic target with eccentricity of 20 using jittered scale parameters spaced approximately linearly between 1 and 20 with epsilon=1.2 and K=10 use

./AAPS 10404020 10000 1000 1 0 3 1.2 10

Chris Sherlock 29/11/2022