
Play your JavaScript games developed against our own GameApi, or embed other sites' HTML5 / JS games

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Virtual Console

Play your JavaScript games developed against our own GameApi, or embed other sites' HTML5 / JS games.

Virtual Console is a NodeJS based gaming console application with controller and hardware emulation.

A project by 3 students of the University of Appied Sciences Kiel.

Quick links

Run Scripts

Node Server Overview

Public Files (Clients / Frontend)


Server Sources




What is needed to run the application?

Operating Systems

If u want to use the hardware emulation u have to use one of the following OS for the application:
(This is due to the uinput nodejs plugin, which dont compile on other operating systems.)

Supported Unix distributions

  • Debian and all Debain based flavours

Unsupported Unix distributions

  • OS X

Other OS'

  • Windows

The application, without hardware emulation, runs on all systems with the following prequisites:

  • MongoDB
  • NodeJS
    • npm

The application starts itself a MongoDB instance as configured in the config.json.


To install the application, clone the repository to your host:

git clone [RepoUrl](http://gitlab.de)

After that, create your own package.json in the NodeServer/ directory, based on the template file there.
Alter the config.json to fit your own needs. (Keep in mind, port 80 requires root privileges to bind)

THe app.sh file bundles all to run the application. Run the following command to build the NodeServer package requirements:

app.sh prepDeps

Start the application with:

app.sh start

The aplication starts, acces the menu with:


Access the controller with


To stop the application:

app.sh stop