
Unix filesystem testing for Robot Framework

Primary LanguagePython


robotframework-unixfilesystem is a Robot Framework test library to test UNIX filesystem attributes like permissions, ownership etc.


To install, just fetch the latest version from PyPI:.

pip install --upgrade robotframework-unixfilesystem


Setup in the robotframework Settings section:

Setting Value
Library UnixFilesystemLibrary

These keyword actions are available:

Get Owner From Path:
    Does an lstat on the Path and returns the owner of the file/directory:

        - path:      the path to the file/directory you wish to get ownership
                     on (e.g. /tmp/test.txt or ../foo)
        - owner:     returns the owner of the file (e.g. root or chris)

Owner From Path Should Match:
    Does an lstat on the Path and checks to see if the supplied owner matches.
    Returns True if a match is found or False otherwise.

        - owner:     the username to check against ownership of the path
                     (e.g. root or chris)
        - path:      the path to the file/directory you wish to get ownership
                     on (e.g. /tmp/test.txt or ../foo)
        - returns True if the owner of the Path matches Owner, False otherwise

Get Permissions From Path As Octal
    Gets the permissions via lstat of the supplied Path and returns those permissions as
    an octal value.

        - path:      the path to the file/directory you wish to get ownership on
                     (e.g. /tmp/test.txt or ../foo)
        - permissions: Returns the octal permissions of the path (e.g. 0755 or 0644)

Permissions From Path Should Match:
    Gets the permissions via lstat of the supplied Path and checks if those permissions
    match the supplied Permissions.
    Returns True if a match is found or False otherwise.

        - path:      the path to the file/directory you wish to get ownership on
                     (e.g. /tmp/test.txt or ../foo)
        - permissions: octal permissions (e.g. 0755 or 0644)
        - returns True if the owner of the Path matches Permissions, False otherwise

Here is an example of how to use the library:

Action Argument Argument
${Owner}= Get Owner From Path path=/tmp/test.txt
Should Match ${Owner} root

Here is an example of how to check that the owner of a path matches the supplied owner

Action Argument Argument
Owner From Path Should Match root path=/tmp/text.txt

Here is an example of how to get permissions from the path as an octal

Action Argument Argument
${Permissions} Get Permissions From Path as Octal path=/tmp/
Should Match ${Permissions} 0644

Here is an example of how to check that permissions from the path match the octal

Action Argument
Permissions From Path Should Match 0644

Updating Pip Repo

python setup.py sdist

twine upload dist/*


The robotframework-unixfilesystem is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.