
Rotation of a model in opengl using quaternions from a 9-axis sensor.

It receive quaternions via the serial port in json format:

{"quat_w":0.040, "quat_x":-0.374, "quat_y":-0.923, "quat_z":0.086}


pip install https://download.lfd.uci.edu/pythonlibs/archived/PyOpenGL-3.1.6-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
pip install numpy
pip install pywavefront
pip install pyglet
pip install pyserial
pip install squaternion


  • Download the model and update the path here: path = '../models/10475_Rocket_Ship_v1_L3.obj'
  • Connect your sensor to your computer and put the name and number of the serial port in here: ser = serial.Serial('<your serial port>',115200,timeout=0)
  • Run the program: python q_rotation.py
