Run any Windows program through Valve's Proton.
Please create an issue if you want added features or have an issue.
Please create an issue on the Github page which lists: system, kernel version, game, shell, and if it is or isn't a Steam game – provide how you had installed it and where it is installed. Additionally provide screenshots of the shell. Try many methods to get it to work and describe what you did in your issue.
Defaults to the latest version of Proton.
proton-call -r foo.exe
Defaults to the latest verson of Proton, all extra arguments passed to the executable.
proton-call -r foo.exe --flags --for program
Uses specified version of Proton, any extra arguments will be passed to the executable.
proton-call -p 5.13 -r foor.exe
Uses custom version of Proton, give the past to directory, not the Proton executable itself.
proton-call -c '/path/to/Proton version' -r foo.exe
Configuration files are extremely simple: ~/.config/proton.conf
Set your own path to data
(any empty directory) and common
(steam's common dirrectory)
data = "/home/avery/Documents/Proton/env/"
common = "/home/avery/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/"
To install proton-call
yay -S proton-caller
or: (with makepkg)
git clone
cd proton-caller
makepkg -si
or: (Requires Rust to build)
git clone
cd Proton-Caller
cargo b --release --locked
sudo install -Dm 755 target/release/proton-call /usr/bin/proton-call
Make a .desktop launcher. example file
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Space Engine
Comment=Space Engine
Exec=proton-call --run SpaceEngine.exe