
Ecommerce full stack JS web app with shopping cart functionality

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Makar's Bazaar

Full-stack JS Ecommerce web app made with Vanilla JavaScript for the frontend, with NodeJS and MongoDB for the backend.


screenshot of products storefront
screenshot of shopping cart
screenshot of order processing and progress bar component

Technologies used


  • JavaScript

    • Webpack
    • Babel
    • ESlint (code linter to help find code syntax problems faster and enforce best practices or code quality standards)
    • Prettier (code formatter)
  • NodeJS

  • Express

  • MongoDB

    • Mongoose
  • Paypal payment API integration Click here.

  • JSON Web Token


  • Two parts of ecommerce app
    1. Store side of app with products to browse and purchase (user and guest)
    2. Admin dashboard section for adding, updating products and viewing all orders placed and ecommerce logistics. (if admin logged in)
  • User account customization with login and registration
  • Shopping cart functionality
  • Order History for each user with payment details and status.
  • Progress indicator component for cart checkout steps

Entire Project Structure

Root directory contains package.json configuration needed to run the node backend. Frontend subdirectory has the package.json for running the frontend.

    ├─── package.json


Directory layout displayed with the tree command in Linux/Unix or Windows command prompt in root project directory.

        │   └─── Rating.js
        |        ...
        │   ├─── HomeScreen.js
        │   ├─── ProductScreen.js
        │   └─── Error404Screen.js
        |        ...
        ├─── index.js
        ├─── package.json
        ├─── index.html
        └─── styles.css

Running Project Locally

  • Do an npm install in root project and frontend directory
  • Within frontend subdirectory and root project directory, run npm start in the terminal or command line.