
Receive a slack notification when a shell command is done

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Receive a slack notification when a shell command is done


This script first executes the command passed as argument, then, when the command is done, it sends you a slack notifications through slackbot.

sl ls -al 
sl sleep 10s
sl make
sl ENV_VAR=FOO make 


  • SLACK_USER: your slack username
  • SLACK_URL: the webhook url you want to use
  • HOSTNAME: (optionnal) the name of the host that the script is running from.


  1. Copy the sl script to ~/sl-ack.py
  2. In order to obtain the web hook URL, create an incomming web hook in https://slack.com/apps and configure it for the channel @slackbot if you don't want to post on a channel but send direct messages to yourself.
  3. In your .profile or .bashrc depending on your OS, add the following lines:
export SLACK_USER=<your slack user name>                                                      
export SLACK_URL=https://hooks.slack.com/services/<your slack web hook url>
alias sl="python ~/sl-ack.py"      
  1. run source ~/.profile or source ~/.bashrc

Alternatively you can just drop the sl file in your bin folder and just set the environment variables appropriately.