
Documenting my setup to help out future me...

Primary LanguageShell


This repo documents the current setup that I am using. The goal is to setup a single script to install everything in the case of needing to wipe a computer but just documenting the process is good too.


*Available through the App Store

Development Environment Items

  • Brew
  • Fira-Code Font
  • Composer
  • zsh & Spaceship
  • Git
  • NPM
  • homestead
  • WPCS

OS Settings

# Removes Dock Show Delay
defaults write com.apple.dock "autohide-delay" -float "0" && killall Dock 

# Show Hidden Files
defaults write com.apple.finder "AppleShowAllFiles" -bool "true" && killall Finder

# Keep Folders On Top
defaults write com.apple.finder "_FXSortFoldersFirst" -bool "true" && killall Finder

# Custom screenshot path
mkdir ~/Pictures/screenshots
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/Pictures/screenshots && killall SystemUIServer

Brew Install a few things

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask iterm2 alfred slack visual-studio-code 1password droplr zoom brave-browser tableplus transmit font-fira-code-nerd-font tinkerwell postman google-chrome imageoptim postman spaceship php composer nvm local ansible

Some depending on the chipset (Apple/Intel) some of these apps might need to be reinstalled through their websites.