A simple, fun, and interactive way to learn the F# language through testing.
- alastairs@ieso
- amagdasCluj-Napoca, Romania
- ArPharazonMelbourne, Australia
- artlogicArs Mentis
- augustoproiete@stablehouse
- bentaylorukLondon
- bradjonescaNew York
- cessor
- chanduOntario, Canada
- charles-caiSocialogix Limited
- ChrisMarinosAnn Arbor, MI
- darklajidSingapore
- domgreen@netspeakgames
- gmottaBrazil
- GTurittoMadrid, Spain
- hafMinimist
- ianfnelsonIan Nelson Systems Limited
- inosusEurope
- JamesTryand
- kraki5525Charlotte, NC
- marciolSão Paulo, Brazil
- mgroves@couchbase
- MorganPerssonSweden
- panesofglassManvel, TX, United States
- pixelmeisterPillowSoft LLC
- rally25rs
- robinminto
- satishsrinivasan
- stefanalfboUppsala
- stefanmoserAmazon Web Services
- stwindBeijing
- tlehmanPerforce Software, Inc.
- tt@heroku
- tylerhamThoughtworks
- TyT
- vermaGoldFynch