
Open source code base for the ARM Cortex M0+ LPC810 family from NXP

Primary LanguageC

LPC810_CodeBase providing some basic Arduino functions

The Arduino Sketch should be place in the file


It is important that the first line in this file is

#include "sketch_ino.h"

currently implemented arduino functions:

pinMode digitalWrite digitalRead delay Serial_begin Serial_print Serial_println Serial_printnumber millis analogRead

 LPC800 Pining ( Arduino pin numbering )
                  |   U   |
      reset      -|       |- digital 0 / analog in 0 / RX
 TX / digital 4  -|  LPC  |- GND
      digital 3  -|  810  |- +3.3V
      digital 2  -|       |- digital 1 / analog in 1

How to install the ARM Tool chain on Ubuntu 12.04 : https://launchpad.net/~terry.guo/+archive/ubuntu/gcc-arm-embedded