
Starting point for a blank Angular 2 application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular 2 Seed Project

Starting point for a blank Angular 2 application

devDependency Status

General Usage

To install project global dependencies

	npm run setup

To install project dependencies

	npm run install

To develop with the uncompiled version of the code and view in browser with live reload

	npm run development

To develop with the compiled version of the code and view in browser with live reload

	npm run production

To build the production version only

	npm run build


To run e2e protractor tests on production code (if there a server running code already)

	npm run e2e.prod

To run e2e protractor tests on production code (if there is no server running the code already)

	npm run e2e.ci.prod

Technology Stack


  • angular 2.0.0 RC1
  • typescript

Build and Dependecy Management

  • systemjs
  • jspm
  • gulp + plugins
  • live-server


Has integrated tasks if using Visual Studio Code

  1. Press ctrl + shift + p

  2. Type run and select "Task: Run Task"

  3. Select from "build", "development", "production" or "setup" (relates to usage description above)