
User stories

As a User
So that I can store my details
I want to be able to sign into Makersbnb
As a User
So that I know what properties I can rent
I want to see a list of properties
As a User with an account
So that I can let my property
I want to be able to list my property
As a User with multiple properties
So that I can let out all of them
I want to be able to list multiple properties
As a property owner
So that I can make my property stand out
I want to provide a short decription of the property
As a property owner
So that people can identify my property
I want to provide a name for it
As a renter
So that I know how much it costs to rent a bnb
I want a price listed with the property
As a property owner
So that users can see the availability of my property
I want list available dates
As a renter
So that I can rent the bnb for a night
I want to be able to request to book the bnb
As a property owner
So that I can select who rents my property
I want to be able to approve or deny a booking request
As a user
So that I don't book a date that is not available
I want to only see available dates
As a property owner
Until I have confirmed a booking
I want users to be able to send me requests to book for that same night
As a renter
So I know who I am renting from
I want to see who listed a property
As a property owner
So that I can track my properties
I want to be able to view all my listings
As a property owner
So that I can manage my listings
I want to be able to edit and delete my listings
As a renter
So that I know the status of my booking requests
I want to be able to see if I have  had my bookings confirmed
As a renter
So that I know what bookings I have
I want to be able to see a list of my bookings


As a User
So that I can store my details
I want to be able to sign up to Makersbnb
As a user
So that I can manage bookings
I want to be able to sign in
As a User
So that I know what properties I can rent
I want to see a list of properties
As a User with an account
So that I can let my property
I want to be able to list my property
As a property owner
So that people can identify my property
I want to provide a name for it
As a renter
So that I know how much it costs to rent a bnb
I want a price listed with the property
As a renter
So that I can rent the bnb for a night
I want to be able to request to book the bnb


Makersbnb is a web application in which users can interact with one another listing and booking available spaces.

Getting Started

  • Fork this repo
  • Clone it to your local machine
  • And presto you have it on your machine
  • Ready to install



  • Run the command "bundle" on your terminal to install all the gems necessary
  • Now we are going to create the "makersbnb" database and the "makersbnb_test' database
  • Enter the "PostgreSQL" terminal by running the command "psql" in your terminal
  • Open the "db/migration" folder
  • Open the "01_creating_databases.sql" file
  • In your "PostgreSQL" terminal, run each line of code
  • Next we are going to create the user table, space table and booking table for both the "makersbnb" and "makersbnb_test" databases.
  • Open the "02_creating_user_tables.sql" file
  • In your "PostgreSQL" terminal, run each line of code
  • Open the "03_creating_spaces_table.sql" file
  • In your "PostgreSQL" terminal, run each line of code
  • Open the "04_creating_bookings_table.sql" file
  • Run each line of code
  • Exit "PostgreSQL" by running the command "\q" in the "PostgreSQL" terminal
  • Presto! you are ready to use the web application.

Running the tests

  • To run the automated "RSpec" tests, in your teminal run the command "rspec"


  • To deploy run the command "rackup" in your teminal
  • Screenshot 2022-03-25 at 15 17 06
  • remember your 4 digit number "port", in my case 9292.
  • In your web browser input "localhost:" followed by your "port" 4 digit number, in my case 9292.
  • Screenshot 2022-03-25 at 15 27 10
  • You should have the home page infront of you!

Built With


  • Ourselves, we are so cool!