Iced-Rs experiments

Project to house projects I have undertaken in order to learn iced-rs, an Elm-based UI framework for rust

There are screenshots of each project, when they're finished, along with a readme in each folder.

Some ideas (from ChatGPT)

Exploring a new UI programming framework can be an exciting endeavor. Here are some ideas for simple UI applications that you can build to get hands-on experience and familiarize yourself with the framework:

  1. To-Do List App: Create a basic to-do list application where users can add, delete, and mark tasks as completed. This will help you understand how to handle user input, manage data, and update the UI accordingly.

  2. Weather App: Build a weather application that fetches weather data from an API and displays the current weather conditions for a given location. You can include features like displaying temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather forecasts.

  3. Calculator: Develop a simple calculator with a user-friendly interface. Implement basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You can also add additional functionalities like memory storage or scientific calculator features.

  4. Currency Converter: Develop a currency conversion application that fetches real-time exchange rates and allows users to convert between different currencies. Implement features like selecting the base currency, entering the amount to convert, and displaying the converted value.

Remember to adapt these ideas to the specific features and capabilities of the UI programming framework you are exploring. Good luck with your project!

Other things

  • Layers Widget: a custom widget that allows overlaying components on top of each other, using nested ice overlays

  • SVG Map: an unfinished attempt to have a svg world map with interactable points over top

  • Legion: combining an iced frontend/application with the Legion ECS framework