
A set of templates for scientific career building resources.

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

Scientific Career Resources

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Scientific Career Resources is a set of LaTeX templates and logo files for professional development activities. These files are geared towards persons working in scientific fields who have experience with LaTeX. Although the logos and color schemes are geared towards UC Irvine, these files present a wide range of templates for helping individuals present themselves and their work.

Table of Contents

  • CV/Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Business Cards
  • Poster
  • Logos


The CV/Resume is based off of Awesome CV. Many details have been modified to accommodate the needs of graduate students, including (but not limited to) the margin handling for large skills sections, text coloring (to use true-blacks instead of HTML 000000 to allow for better printing), and a way to disable commas for professional affiliations. Other changes include adding a color scheme which follows the UC Irvine colors and having different versions for black text (for print) and a darker blue (for web).

To use the CV/Resume, you must use XeLaTeX. The standard XeLaTeX distributions in TeXLive and MikTeX should work. Personally, I use TeXStudio to build the documents. Example versions of the black text cv.pdf and blue text cvBlueTxt.pdf are included.

Cover Letter

The cover letter is also based off of Awesome CV. It builds with XeLaTeX. An example is included as cover.pdf.

Business Cards

A business card template was created to match the headers for the CV and cover letter. It matches standard US size 3.5in x 2in business cards. It utilizes the vector graphic logos included in a different part of the repository. An example is included as card.pdf. I have used the templates with Overnight Prints and with Staples Copy and Print (for making pens as well), results pending.


A poster template is included which uses UMBCPoster. An example poster is included as poster.pdf. While not my favorite poster of all time, it shows a lot of functionality and "how to do a bunch of hacks" to make it do what you need. Other examples (including ones I've done) can be found at the UMBCPoster site. Credit for the background image goes to the Zon Lab, and work for the Nie and Schilling labs including this paper for the network diagram and this paper for the knockout data.


A presentation example using Beamer with Lyx is included. This example shows how to do many "hacks" like including code in the slides, placing figures, and using multiple columns. These can instead be developed in pure LaTeX like the previous documents (templates are available in many places online, and you can change it to the same form as mine by copying the TeX code from the Lyx LaTeX Preamble), though I have a personal preference to use Lyx for these kinds of documents. Credit for the included images are from various websites and were not properly attributed given the nature of the presentation.


A curated set of logos for various UC Irvine departments are included. Vector graphics (including Illustrator .ai files), PDFs, and high quality PNGs are included. Here is an example. Also included are .ai files to re-create the Center for Complex Biological Systems and associated vector graphics.


LaTeX FontAwesome is a binding for FontAwesome icons in XeLaTeX.

Roboto is the recommendend font Google’s visual language, Material Design, and is used in the CV/Cover letter template.

Source Sans Pro are OpenType fonts UIs, used in the CV/Cover letter template.

Awesome CV is a CV/Cover letter template from which these files are derived.

UMBCPoster is a poster template for easily creating posters.


Please use the associated files to create your own documents. However, you do not have permission to use my CV/poster/presentation without my permission.

For any questions, please ask on the associated Gitter channel.