
Duolingo XP Farmer & Learner

Primary LanguagePython

Duolingo XP Farmer & Learner

1. Requirements

  1. Install Chrome

  2. Install Chromedriver for your Chrome version from chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads

  3. Install Python 3.8, 3.9, or 3.10 (more versions could be compatible)

  4. Install Selenium 4.0.0 (more versions could be compatible):

    pip install selenium==4.0.0

2. Setup

  1. Create a dictionary.json file, then copy and paste the following content:

  2. Create a credentials.json file, then copy and paste the following content then enter your correct username and password:

        "username" : "your_username",
        "password" : "your_password"
  3. Open settings.json and set your own settings:

        "chromedriver_path" : "C:/Path/to/chromedriver.exe",
        "headless"          : false,
        "incognito"         : false,
        "mute"              : false,
        "practice"          : true
    • chromedriver_path is the full path to the appropriate Chromedriver for your Chrome version
    • headless will make the program run in the background if set to true
    • incognito will open Chrome in incognito mode if set to true
    • mute will mute Chrome if set to true
    • practice will let the program learn and run forever if set to true, otherwise, you will be asked to manually enter a skill every time

    Note: If headless is set to true, the program will always run in practice mode

3. Start

Start main.py. A new Chrome window with Duolingo will open (unless in headless mode) and the bot will log you in.

The bot will keep making mistakes at first, but once a sentence has been learned, it will be memorized (unless dictionary.json is erased).

In practice mode, it will keep going to duolingo.com/practice and practice infinitely. Otherwise, it will open duolingo.com/learn, and ask you to open a skill every time.

The supported challenges are:

  • Translate, where you are asked to translate from one language to another
  • Name, where you must translate a single word
  • Form, where you must fill in the blanks
  • Select, where you select the picture and translation representing a given word

The listening and speaking challenges are always skipped. There may be other types of challenges I do not know of - When encountering these, the skill will be restarted.