
Basic snake game using SFML

Primary LanguageC++


A basic snake game using SFML.

  • Snake speeds up every 5 points with max speed at 60 points
  • Toggleable borders and rainbow mode
  • Pausable game


Movement: WASD or Arrow keys
Rainbow : 1
Borders : 2
Pause   : P

Current Settings

Window Size: 800x600
Game Size  : 600x600
Tile Count : 20x20


screenshot rainbow


  1. Download the latest version of SFML. Make sure to download the right SFML version for your system.
  2. Clone this repo
$ git clone https://github.com/ChrisRzech/Snake.git
  1. Edit the SFML_DIR variable in the makefile to the location where SFML is on your system.
  2. Build
$ make build
  1. Run
$ make run