
A GitHub app to interact with buildbot

Primary LanguageHTML

Your Github App that talks to buildbot

/buildbot comments on Github Pull Requests.

logo round small

developer architecture overview

image::docs/media/on-buildbot-comment.svg[Sequence diagram for on-buildbot-comment scenario]

I’m using a Fedora Linux 37 on my local machine and for most of the containers.

$ git clone https://github.com/kwk/buildbot-app.git && cd buildbot-app
$ sudo dnf install -y direnv golang podman podman-compose buildbot pandic asciidoctor
$ go install github.com/cespare/reflex@latest
$ cat <<EOF >> ~/.bashrc
export PATH=\${PATH}:~/go/bin
eval "\$(direnv hook bash)"
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ direnv allow .
$ make infra-start
$ make app
  • Clone the repo.

  • Install tools we need/use for development locally. If this was a deployment site the only requirement is buildbot so that the github app can make a call to buildbot try.

  • Install hot-reload tool.

  • Make tools above available upon next source of .bashrc.

  • Reload .bashrc to have direnv and reflex working in your current shell.

  • Navgigate out and back into the project directory to have direnv kickin. If this doesn’t work, try direnv allow ..

  • Bring up local containers for a buildbot setup with one master and three workers.

  • Run and hot reload the app code upon changes being made to any of your *.go files or your .envrc file.

  • ❏ properly document developer setup with ngrok and how to setup the .envrc file

  • ❏ hook into buildbots event system and send feedback to buildbot app from there?