
Automatic function exporting and linking for fuzzing cross-architecture binaries.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Easy Pickings

Automatic function exporting and linking for fuzzing cross-architecture binaries.

This tool uses radare2 to identify functions and lief to parse executables. lief is used to export these functions to shared objects (.so) to link against a stub runner. This script will further automatically create this runner and supplies an interface for selecting functions. Finally Dockcross is used to cross compile the stub.

Inspired by this tutorial, this tool enables fast stub building for fuzzing parsing functions hidden deep in code.



For function identification, this tool requires radare2:

git clone https://github.com/radare/radare2
sudo ./radare2/sys/install.sh

Install Script

Docker, dockcross, leif, and r2pipe are installed from the script below



Easy Pickings is a python script requiring a file and either --Functions or and address.

$ ./Easy_Pickings.py  -h
usage: Easy_Pickings.py [-h] (--Functions | --Address ADDRESS) File

positional arguments:
  File                  File to pull function

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --Functions           List functions in binary to choose
                        Use this address for function creation


Running the script

Running the script with an address will not run radare2, and will immediatly create a function stub to run and link from.

 $ ./Easy_Pickings.py makeRequest.cgi --A 0x401210
[+] Using User_Supplied : 0x401210
[+] Parsing binary makeRequest.cgi
[+] Creating export
[+] Writing to file libmakeRequest.cgi.so
[+] Creating c runner

The script will produce a shared object with the exported function and a c function stub for running the function.

Cross Compiling

For cross compiling, Dockcross is used to quickly cross compile. An example command is shown below:

$ sudo ./dockcross-linux-mipsel bash -c '$CC User_Supplied_runner.c -static -O0 -fPIC -Wl,-strip-all -ldl -o User_Supplied_runner.bin'

Running the function

Since the function stub is cross compiled statically, qemu can be used to run it immediatly:

$ qemu-mipsel -g 4444 ./User_Supplied_runner.bin
$ afl-fuzz -i in/ -o out/ -Q -m none -- ./User_supplied_runner.bin

Function stub

The stub will link the function using dlopen and dlsym and finally call the function. The script can be modified at this point to better suit your fuzzing.

$ cat User_Supplied_runner.c

#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//For this static non-sense to work, you should run and compile on the exact same environment
//sudo ./dockcross-linux-mipsel bash -c '$CC User_Supplied_runner.c -static -O0 -fPIC -Wl,-strip-all -ldl -o User_Supplied_runner.bin'
typedef int(*check_t)(char*);

int main (int argc, char** argv) {

  void* handler = dlopen("./libmakeRequest.cgi.so", RTLD_LAZY);
  check_t User_Supplied = (check_t)dlsym(handler, "User_Supplied");

  int output = User_Supplied(argv[1]);

  printf("Output of User_Supplied('%s'): %d\n", argv[1], output);

  return 0;