To start the game, Python 3 needs to be installed. On Windows, a console that support ANSI escape codes like Aniscon is recommended. You can also use cmd if you activate the colours in the console itself. Linux consoles supports ANSI escape codes by default.
Select the file "" and start it with a parameter, which is the map that will first be opened by the game.
Additionally, it is possible to use additional parameters. Gate To Gods uses a Random Number Generator (RNG) that uses a seed.
If you add -seed
or -s
behind the map, you can set the seed the RNG will use.
The seed must be a number.
The same seed will always lead to the same results (i.e. enemy damage).
Not specifying a seed will use the system time instead.
The parameter -log
or -l
will record everything shown on screen.
After the parameter you need to specify a file in which the game will be recorded.
Finally, the parameter -view
or -v
will replay a recorded file.
Again, the file which should be replayed needs to be the following parameter.
- Move left: a or 4
- Move up: w or 8
- Move right: d or 6
- Move down: s or 2
- Move up-left: 7
- Move up-right: 9
- Move down-left: 1
- Move down-right: 3
- Open a door: o (or walk against it)
- Close a door: c
- Enter new map: < or >
- Next slide: n
- Previous slide: p
- Exit game: x