Task Beaver

Task Beaver demo: https://task-beaver.herokuapp.com/

Git wiki : https://github.com/ChrisThreadgill/TaskBeaver

Group Memberss:

Chris Threadgill

Darren Kong

Joshua Raphael Bautista

Vernyoon Chao

Task Beaver

Task Beaver

We are a software engineering oriented project planning application, with the versatility to tackle any of your day to day tasks as well as plan and execute your next full stack application!.

How to Run

  1. You will need to download the repo and open it in VScode
  2. Install node_modules using 'npm install'
  3. In the root folder, create a '.env' file and use the '.env.example' file as a reference (you may copy and paste and use your own data)
  4. In your terminal use the following commands in this order:
    • psql-create user taskbeaver_app with password 'password' createdb
    • npx dotenv sequelize init ** data models,seed data, and associations have been completed for you **
    • npx dotenv sequelize db:create
    • npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate
    • npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:all
  5. In your terminal, type "npm start" to begin the server
  6. In your browser navigate to "http://localhost:8080/"

Languages and FrameWorks

We used PUG, a front-end framework along with an Express.JS back-end. PostgresSQL was utilized for our database.

Technologies Used

JavaScript Pug HTML5 CSS3 Sequelize Express.js Postgres

Where we plan to go from here

Although we are proud of the application we have created there are a few additional improvements we feel can be added to the site:

  • Be able to add contacts for each project
  • Implement a comment system to each task
  • Add a dynamic search feature for the task
  • To be able to add a different Task Beaver user to the task list
  • User profile page with a custom user image