
JADA... Job Applications Digital Assistant. I've been told its a numbers game. So I built software to automate the initial application process and put the numbers on my side. More info in the README

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Job Application Digital Assistant

You can check out an example of JADA running here: https://vimeo.com/438840301

I've been told getting your first dev job, on top of projects one could show, is a numbers game. After spending over 120 hours, countless applications and missing coding due to spending the majority of my time applying to code (the irony) I started to wonder if I could use my new skills to build something that would automate this all. If you've ever been looking for work for longer than a month, you'd certainly appreciate how taxing it can be mentally not getting any replies from applications, or just getting automated responses. I started loosing lots of confidence, increasingly doubting my self-worth and this affected relationships around me. This project was also birthed to counter the lifeless feeling of interacting with the recruitment industry. And so, here I set out to build a system I call JADA... (Job Applications Digital Assistant)

JADA so far achieves the following main objectives:

  • Handles all initial job applications including processing whether to apply or not
  • Logs each processed job with key details that can be queried and avoids duplicating applying for roles
  • Emails session reports after each run, including basic charts of key programming words and locations
  • Displays a fontend dashboard using React and chartJS, breaking down key insights for processed applications thereby helping inform performance
  • Displays a table of all applications to easily find by id or reference. When clicked, a modal appears with all relevant information including url to original job application.
  • Now requires user login to access dashboard and table data. Handled using JWT and localStorage

JADA also achieves the following:

  • Enables me to spend my time coding instead of applying to code (still makes me chuckle!)
  • Lifts the mental toll of no return for the hard work put in
  • I have more life and energy for each day


  • I am building in user functionality to enable others to use JADA

The API structure is set up using Node.js, MongoDB and Mongoose among a few other packages. Its using the Model, Controller, Route pattern and is simple to follow.

For ease I've got a run_jada.js file and a jada_functions.js file. I have repurposed Selenium in order to automatically drive the browser and run JADA logic.

You are very welcome to purose the code ;-)