
A robust and customizable Ruby gem for creating Behavior Trees.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Behavior Tree

Travis CI Gem Version

A robust and customizable Ruby gem for creating Behavior Trees, used in games, AI, robotics, and more.

Quick start

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'behavior_tree'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install behavior_tree

Build your first tree

Require the gem if necessary:

require 'behavior_tree'

Create a tree using the DSL:

my_tree = BehaviorTree::Builder.build do
  sequence do
    task {
      puts "I'm a task!"
    condition ->(context) { context[:some_value] < 200 } do
      task {
        context[:some_value] += 1
    task { context[:some_value] > 100 ? status.failure! : status.success! }

# Output:
# ∅
# └─sequence success (0 ticks)
#       ├─task success (0 ticks)
#       ├─condition success (0 ticks)
#       │     └─task success (0 ticks)
#       └─task success (0 ticks)

Later in the guide you'll learn how to add your own custom classes so they are available inside the DSL as well.

If the tree or part of it cannot be built using the DSL, you can build it using plain old Ruby objects like so:

# Initialize an empty sequence.
sequence = BehaviorTree::Sequence.new

# Creating some tasks. You can also create tasks by extending BehaviorTree::Task,
# keep reading to learn how.
task1 = BehaviorTree::Task.new {
  puts 'Hello world'

task2 = BehaviorTree::Task.new {
  puts 'Another simple task'

# Add as children.
sequence << task1
sequence << task2

# Finally build the tree.
another_tree = BehaviorTree::Tree.new sequence

# Output:
# ∅
# └─sequence success (0 ticks)
#       ├─task success (0 ticks)
#       └─task success (0 ticks)

You can join trees created with any of the above methods (DSL or plain old Ruby objects). Let's join both of the trees we just created:

sequence << my_tree

# Output:
# ∅
# └─sequence success (0 ticks)
#       ├─task success (0 ticks)
#       ├─task success (0 ticks)
#       └─sequence success (0 ticks)
#             ├─task success (0 ticks)
#             ├─condition success (0 ticks)
#             │     └─task success (0 ticks)
#             └─task success (0 ticks)

Finally, let's tick the tree to put it into motion.

# We need to assign the initial context data first.
another_tree.context = { some_value: 5 }

200.times { another_tree.tick! }

# Output:
# ∅
# └─sequence failure (200 ticks)
#       ├─task success (200 ticks)
#       ├─task success (200 ticks)
#       └─sequence success (200 ticks)
#             ├─task success (200 ticks)
#             ├─condition failure (200 ticks)
#             │     └─task success (195 ticks)
#             └─task success (195 ticks)

Learn how to use


What is a behavior tree? According to the Wikipedia:

A behavior tree is a mathematical model of plan execution used in computer science, robotics, control systems and video games. They describe switchings between a finite set of tasks in a modular fashion. Their strength comes from their ability to create very complex tasks composed of simple tasks, without worrying how the simple tasks are implemented.

In simple words, it's a modular way to describe your program's control flow, in a very flexible and scalable way. It avoids the common pitfalls of usual control flow (i.e. if-else), such as spaghetti code, by structuring the logic as a tree, with branches (conditionals, sequence of tasks, etc) and leaf nodes (tasks to be executed).

Ticking the tree

The tick is the most important part of using a behavior tree. When you tick the root node of a tree, it will propagate it by ticking its children, which in turn will tick their children. Tasks (leaf nodes) are executed when the tick reaches them. Non-leaf nodes would execute their own logic when they are ticked (e.g. decoration logic, executing a sequence, etc).


# Effects are propagated down the tree.

Node status

Each node has a status, which can have three possible values:

  1. success which is returned in certain situations depending on the node type, but usually indicating that the operation they are in charge of was completed. Tasks usually return success when they execute/complete successfully, sequences return success when the entire sequence is executed successfully, and so on. Since this is the default status of all nodes, a node is in success status if it has never been ticked, or if it has been halted (using halt!).
  2. running which is returned by nodes that are currently executing.
  3. failure which is returned to signal that execution failed.

Each type of node has different logic for returning these three values.


Global context

Just like you would have access to local variables inside an if-else block, a behavior tree has a data structure called context which it can operate on. If this didn't exist, there would be no data to work with, and/or use to take decisions. In other implementations, it's called blackboard, a concept which refers to a global memory.

You can use any Ruby object as context, but the easiest way to get started is to pass a Hash object.

This example shows how to initialize a tree's context with an empty Hash, and when assigning it, the tree will propagate the object to all nodes of the tree.

my_tree.context = {}

The method context is available on all nodes, which provides a reference to this object.

Per-node storage

Arbitrary data can also be stored on a per node basis.

node_instance[:arbitrary_variable] = :hello_world

The preferred way to store node-scoped data is to use vanilla Ruby @instance_variables, but this is only possible if you are creating a custom class, and if the node manipulates its own data. Instead, a parent node may use this mechanism to manipulate its children data when necessary.

Note: node_instance is not a Hash object, but instead a Node object. This is a [] and []= operator overload.

Types of nodes

Task nodes

A task node is the only type of leaf node, and it usually executes an arbitrary procedure.

Tasks would usually return success or failure when they complete, and return running if they haven't completed yet.

Example #1: Custom task class

class DecreaserTask < BehaviorTree::Task
  def on_tick
    context[:my_number] -= 1

Learn how to register your custom nodes so they become available in the DSL.

Example #2: Insert inline logic in the DSL

BehaviorTree::Builder.build do
  task do
    context[:my_number] -= 1

Control nodes

A control node decides the flow of the execution. In simpler words, it uses a certain logic to decide which branch to execute. It could be one branch, multiple branches, or all of them.

A control node cannot be a leaf (i.e. it must have children).

By default, there are two types of control nodes, and custom ones can be easily created. (See: Examples of custom control nodes).

  1. Sequence: a. Begins executing the first child node. b. If the child returns running, the sequence also returns running. c. If child returns failure, all children are halted, and the sequence returns failure. d. If the child returns success, it continues with the next child node executing the same logic.
  2. Selector: a. Begins executing the first child node. b. If the child returns running, the sequence also returns running. c. If child returns success, halt all children and return success. d. If child returns failure, then continue with the next child. e. If no node ever returned success, then return failure.

Learn about "halting nodes" and what it means.

When a control node is ticked, by default it traverses children and ticks them using this logic:

  1. If at least one node is running, then begin from that one, in order.
  2. If no node is running, then traverse all nodes starting from the first one, in order.

Example #1: Creating a sequence and a selector

sequence = BehaviorTree::Sequence.new
selector = BehaviorTree::Selector.new

3.times { sequence << BehaviorTree::Task.new }
2.times { selector << BehaviorTree::Task.new }

# Make the selector a child of the sequence
sequence << selector

my_tree = BehaviorTree::Builder.build do
  chain sequence

# Output:
# ∅
# └─sequence success (0 ticks)
#       ├─task success (0 ticks)
#       ├─task success (0 ticks)
#       ├─task success (0 ticks)
#       └─selector success (0 ticks)
#             ├─task success (0 ticks)
#             └─task success (0 ticks)

Decorators and condition nodes

A decorator can have only one child, and acts as a modifier for its child.

By default the decorator nodes present in this library are:

Name Class DSL Description
Condition BehaviorTree::Decorators::Condition condition or cond Ticks its child only if the condition succeeds. If not, returns failure (and has no effect whatsoever on the child). If the condition succeeds, it ticks the child and returns its status.
Force Failure BehaviorTree::Decorators::ForceFailure force_failure Ticks the child, and always returns failure regardless of what the child returned.
Force Success BehaviorTree::Decorators::ForceSuccess force_success Ticks the child, and always returns success regardless of what the child returned.
Inverter BehaviorTree::Decorators::Inverter inverter or inv Returns running if the child returns running, and returns the opposite (inverted status) when the child returns failure or success.
Repeater BehaviorTree::Decorators::Repeater repeater or rep Ticks the child again N times while it's returning success.
Retry BehaviorTree::Decorators::Retry re_try Ticks the child again N times while it's returning failure.

Example #1: Creating a tree with some decorators

my_tree = BehaviorTree::Builder.build do
  inv {
    sel {
      task -> { puts 'Task 1' }
      force_failure { task -> { puts 'Task 2' } }
      task -> { puts 'Task 3' }

Create custom nodes

Custom task

There are two main ways to create tasks.

  1. By instantiating BehaviorTree::TaskBase (or its alias BehaviorTree::Task) and passing a lambda or block.
  2. By subclassing BehaviorTree::TaskBase and overriding the on_tick method with the desired procedure to execute.

Let's see examples of both.

Example #1 Empty task (i.e. does nothing)

task = BehaviorTree::TaskBase.new

Example #2 Task that returns status based on the context

task = BehaviorTree::TaskBase.new do
  if context[:a] > 1
  elsif context[:a] < -1

  context[:a] += 1

# Initialize context.
task.context = { a: -2 }

task.tick!; task.status #=> failure
task.tick!; task.status #=> running
task.tick!; task.status #=> running
task.tick!; task.status #=> running
task.tick!; task.status #=> success
task.tick!; task.status #=> success

Example #3: Same as #2, but using lambdas instead

When using lambdas instead of normal Proc (or blocks), you must pass the context and node arguments if you want to access their data. Both parameters are optional.

task = BehaviorTree::TaskBase.new -> (context, node) {
  if context[:a] > 1
     # 'node' is the 'self' node (i.e. the task node).
  elsif context[:a] < -1

  context[:a] += 1

Example #4: Create a custom task class

In this task not only we override the on_tick method, but also the constructor, and now this task needs a parameter to be instantiated.

class CustomTaskWithConstructorArgument < BehaviorTree::Task
  def initialize(inc)
    @inc = inc

  def on_tick
    context[:a] += @inc
    context[:a].even? ? status.success! : status.running!

task = CustomTaskWithConstructorArgument.new(3)

initial_context = { a: 3 }

task.context = initial_context


task.status.to_sym # => :success

initial_context # => {:a=>6}

Custom control node

Control nodes use a concept called traversal strategy, which refers to the way the nodes are iterated.

The default strategy (named prioritize_running) is to:

  1. If there's at least one child running, then begin (or actually, resume) from there, and in order.
  2. If no child is running, then traverse all nodes starting from the first one, in order.

In order to change the strategy used by a class, you must execute (inside the class, not instance) the method children_traversal_strategy, and specify which strategy to use. The strategy is simply the name of a method that returns an Enumerable (an array, etc). This Enumerable must have the children to traverse.

Not executing children_traversal_strategy will make your class use the default strategy (i.e. prioritize_running).

Example #1: Shuffle (random) traversal

In this example, the Shuffle class changes only the traversal strategy, but doesn't change the way Sequence works. In other words, this is a sequence with random order.

class Shuffle < BehaviorTree::Sequence
  children_traversal_strategy :shuffle


  # Memoize shuffled order. Keep the same order while the sequence is running.
  def shuffle
    @shuffled_order ||= @children.shuffle
    running_idx = @shuffled_order.find_index { |node| node.status.running? }.to_i


  # Un-memoize the shuffled order so that it's
  # shuffled again (everytime the status goes from not-running to running).
  def on_started_running
    @shuffled_order = nil

Example #2: Overriding the control flow logic

The example above defines a new traversal strategy, but keeps the same logic as a vanilla Sequence. In the following example, we continue to use the strategy defined above, but create a different control flow logic.

Control nodes execute their control flow logic in the on_tick method, so this is the method that must be overriden.

# Return success if all either succeeded or failed. Otherwise return failure.
# (Similar to other control nodes, return running when a child is running.)
class AllOrNothing < ControlNodeBase
  children_traversal_strategy :shuffle

  def on_tick
    success_count = 0
    fail_count = 0

    # This loop iterates children using the shuffle strategy, AND ticks each child.
    tick_each_children do |child|
      return status.running! if child.status.running?

      # Regardless of whether the child succeeded or failed,
      # continue with the next child. Just store whether it succeeded or not.
      success_count += 1 if child.status.success?
      fail_count += 1 if child.status.failure?

      # Can be optimized to return failure as soon as it encounters at least one
      # that failed and at least one that succeeded.

    # Set self node and all children to success.

    # Status is already success from the halt! above. Do nothing.
    return if success_count == children.count || fail_count == children.count

    # Else return fail. Results are not "all success" or "all failure".

  # From here it's omitted. Copy code from example above.

  def shuffle
    # ...

  def on_started_running
    # ...

Note that under the hood, tick_each_children uses the strategy defined (i.e. shuffle method), and traverses its children while also ticking them. You don't need to send tick! manually to the child. The code in the block given to tick_each_children is executed right after the child is ticked.

Custom decorator

Note: Condition nodes are also a type of decorator, but they are covered separately here: Custom condition nodes.

Here's an example of how to create a custom decorator. Simply inherit from BehaviorTree::Decorators::DecoratorBase and override any or both of these two methods, decorate and status_map.

class CustomDecorator < BehaviorTree::Decorators::DecoratorBase

  def decorate
    # Additional logic to be executed when the node is ticked.

  # This method must change the self node status in function
  # of the child status. The default behavior is to copy its status.
  # The status is mapped at the end of the tick lifecycle.
  def status_map
    self.status = child.status

Custom condition

Creating a condition as a class. The should_tick? method must be overriden, and it must return a boolean value.

class CustomCondition < BehaviorTree::Decorators::Condition
  def should_tick?
    context[:a] > -1

Or create condition nodes using inline lambdas in the DSL. When using the DSL, before starting the block (i.e. where the child is defined), you must pass a lambda which receives two parameters (both optional), context and node (which is the self of the condition node).

my_tree = BehaviorTree::Builder.build do
  condition ->(context, node) { context[:a].positive? } do
    task # The decorated task (condition node's child)

# Define tree's context data.
my_tree.context = { a: -1 }

# Tick the tree once.

# Inspect the tree. Condition failed, and task node hasn't been touched.
# Output:
# ∅
# └─condition failure (1 ticks)
#       └─task success (0 ticks)

Note: Other behavior tree implementations prefer the use of sequence control nodes, and placing conditional nodes as leaves, but with the role of simply returning failure or success. Since sequences execute the next node only if the previous one succeeded, it would also behave like a conditional node, preventing the next nodes in the sequence from executing if the condition failed. In this implementation, however, both patterns are available and you are free to choose which one to use.

Node API


Every instance of node classes have a status object, where you can execute the following methods.



node.status = other_node.status # Copy status from other node

Querying status

node.status.running? # => boolean
node.status.success? # => boolean
node.status.failure? # => boolean

Accessing previous status

The previous status is also stored inside a node. It can be used in on_status_change to trigger a certain action in function of the current and previous state (See: Status related callbacks and hooks).



node.status.to_sym # => :running

node.prev_status.to_sym # => :success

Warning: Don't modify the prev_status manually. It's updated automatically.


As you have seen in other examples, all nodes have a tick! method, which as the name says, ticks the node, and propagates it down to its children (if any).

The first thing it does is always setting the node to running. After this, what happens depends on the type of node. You can learn more about each node type and how to override their behavior in: Create custom nodes.


This simply sets the node to success, and when a node has children, it executes halt! on all children as well, which propagates the halt! action down the tree.

This method is usually used when you want to reset the node and its children's status. In control nodes, since they follow the strategy of "resume from the running nodes, if there is any" is used by default, it's imperative to execute halt! once the sequence/selector has finished, so it can start again from the first node (unless you override this logic in a custom control node). Other than that, you may decide not to halt them if it's not necessary.

Status related callbacks and hooks


This method is executed everytime the node status changes. It's only triggered when there's a change (i.e. previous value and next value are different).

Therefore, the following code only triggers the callback once:

# Current status is success.
node.status.success? # => true

node.status.failure! # Triggers the callback.
node.status.failure! # Does not trigger.
class RandomStatusTask < BehaviorTree::Task
  def on_tick
    puts 'Being ticked...'
    possible_status = [:running, :success, :failure]

  def on_status_change
    prev = prev_status
    curr = status

    puts "My status went from #{prev.to_sym} to #{curr.to_sym} (tick_count = #{tick_count})"

task = RandomStatusTask.new

5.times { task.tick! }

# Output:
# My status went from success to running (tick_count = 1)
# Being ticked...
# My status went from running to failure (tick_count = 1)
# My status went from failure to running (tick_count = 2)
# Being ticked...
# My status went from running to failure (tick_count = 2)
# My status went from failure to running (tick_count = 3)
# Being ticked...
# My status went from running to success (tick_count = 3)
# My status went from success to running (tick_count = 4)
# Being ticked...
# My status went from running to success (tick_count = 4)
# My status went from success to running (tick_count = 5)
# Being ticked...
# My status went from running to failure (tick_count = 5)

In the output of the example above, one thing to note is that the first line (change from success to running) happens because tick! immediately and always sets the node to running. This happens even before the task logic (on_tick method) has been executed.

The second line of the output is the puts of the actual task logic. The third line happens as a result of the task logic changing the status, therefore triggering a on_status_change call.


Similar to on_status_change, but only triggers when the node has been set to running (changed from a status other than running.

In some implementations, this is called initialization.


Similar to on_status_change, but only triggers when the node has been set to a status other than running.

In some implementations, this is called shutdown.

Add custom nodes to the DSL

You can register new nodes to be used in the DSL, take for example the following code:

  children: :multiple

When using BehaviorTree::Builder#register, you must supply three arguments, the keyword to be used in the DSL, the class name, and an optional parameter indicating how many children your node must have.

The possible values for the children: argument are:

  1. none when your node is a leaf node (i.e. task). Default value if not specified.
  2. multiple when your node is a control node.
  3. single when your node is a decorator, conditional, etc.

Next, you can use the registered node in the DSL.

BehaviorTree::Builder.build do
  my_control_node do
    # The rest of the tree here.

You can also define an alias for your node:

# First argument is original key (existing one).
# Second argument is the new alias.
BehaviorTree::Builder.register_alias(:my_control_node, :my_ctrl_node)

This way, both my_control_node and my_ctrl_node can be used in the DSL.

Troubleshoot and debug your trees

Sometimes you may run into issues with your tree, and it's generally difficult to debug a recursive structure, but here are a few ways to make it a bit easier to debug and troubleshoot.

Detecting cycles

You can check if your tree has cycles by executing the following:

# => false

Checking nodes are all unique objects

Sometimes you might accidentally chain the same node to a parent node. When this happens, the node will have multiple parents. Since this might be a desired situation in some cases, nodes are not cloned automatically by default.

You can check for repeated nodes using the following methods:

# => true

Or obtain the actual repeated nodes:

# => <Set: { ... repeated nodes ... }>

Note: Object equality is tested using Set#include?.

Visualize a tree

Printing the tree is not only useful for verifying it has the desired structure, but also for detecting various issues.

200.times { my_tree.tick! }


The above code generates the following output:

In the example above, you can see that the bottom nodes haven't been ticked at all. Node starvation might occur for various reasons, such as having a force_failure node as one of the children of a sequence (the nodes after the force_failure would all be prevented from executing).

Printing can also be useful in detecting bugs in your custom nodes.


Generate random trees

Mostly created for debugging and testing various trees in development mode, you can generate random trees by executing the following code:

random_tree = BehaviorTree::Builder.build_random_tree

100.times { random_tree.tick! }
# Output:
# ∅
# └─selector running (100 ticks)
#       ├─forcefailure failure (76 ticks)
#       │     └─repeater success (76 ticks)
#       │           └─retry success (95 ticks)
#       │                 └─task success (114 ticks)
#       ├─inverter running (47 ticks)
# (the rest is omitted)

Or make it smaller/larger by tweaking the optional argument recursion_amount:

random_tree = BehaviorTree::Builder.build_random_tree(recursion_amount: 9)

Keep in mind this is only for development purposes, and the generated trees don't make sense at all. Also, only vanilla default nodes are used. Conditional nodes fail or succeed randomly, and task nodes generate random return values as well.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ChrisVilches/ruby-behavior-tree. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Behavior Tree project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.