
Youtube Stream Chat message scraper.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Youtube Chat Logger

Scrapes messages from one or multiple Youtube live chat comment sections.

Frontend for viewing data: https://github.com/ChrisVilches/sakura-dori


# Necessary for running Electron headless.
sudo apt install xvfb

npm install

Potential errors

Some errors due to some libnss3.so were fixed using:

apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends xorg openbox libnss3 libasound2 libatk-adaptor libgtk-3-0

Also Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. error may happen in some situations, so the npm start command was updated to include that option in the electron command. If this fails, try removing it.


Create .env file with the following content:


The process intentionally ends after certain conditions (e.g. unrecoverable errors). The process must be restarted using a proper process manager like forever, nodemon or pm2. The messages are most likely still on screen, so they will be attempted to be indexed again.

Start the scraper with:

npm start


Two processes cannot be executed simultaneously, because of some Electron error.