
slack bot built for Crema.us

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mr. Scorebot built with Botkit

Beta Scorebot built for http://Crema.us

This app is live on https://crema-scorebot.herokuapp.com/ The authorization of Mr. Scorebot for the crema team can be accessed/changed via a slack admin account

Testing of botkit functionality is not easily implemented at this point. howdyai/botkit#36

Botkit Documentation


  • Serves webpages through standard express routes app/routes/routes.js

  • Uses Mongoose as MongoDB driver

  • Includes by default the three Botkit collections : Teams, Users, and Channels (not being used here)


First, create a Slack app. You'll get your app ID and Secret, and you'll be able to enter authentication redirect URL. To be able to use the app both on a local machine and in cloud hosting, enter two URLs:


Then, you need to set up several environment variables before using this app.

  • For local deployment

Create a .env file at the root of the project with the following infos (you can modify and rename the existing .env-example file:

  • For Heroku deployment

You need to add from the Heroku dashboard the SLACK_ID, SLACK_SECRET and SLACK_REDIRECT (set it to your website root).

You can use MongoLab add-on to add Mongo storage, they have a free tier.


Shared under MIT licence