
iOS混淆加固差异化翻新加密工具,模拟人工手动混淆,识别上下文 ,支持继承链、类型识别、方法多参等复杂高级混淆。source-to-source obfuscation of iOS projects,Xcode's refactor->rename. 告别插入毫无关联的垃圾代码、弃用无脑单词随机拼接替换,模拟正常开发,一款最好的混淆最彻底的Mac App Tools。支持OC(Objc、Objective-C)、C、C++(Cocos2d-x、Cocos2dx和Lua游戏开发)、Swift、C#(Unity)混淆,可用于ios马甲包游戏SDK混淆,减少账号调查过机审上架过包过审4.3、2.3.1、2.1

Primary LanguageObjective-C

English| 中文


By chance, I ran into the iOS vest bag business . I also used other tools on the market in the early stage, but the actual effect was not ideal. After a lot of practice, a full-featured obfuscation tool has been developed . The tool have been packaged into a Mac application which support multiple programming languages, such as OC, C++, Swift. More functions are still being packaged, so stay tuned.


In order to let everyone get started quickly and compare the effects of confusion, a new test project confuse_test was created. If you encounter problems during actual use, welcome to extend the test project. Please indicate the bug details in the project, and there will be rewards.

Instructions for the old version before 1.2.0:   Introduction: No grammar and compilation requirements are involved, but partial omissions or corrections may occur after confusion, please add to the blacklist filter by yourself.   Applicable projects: RN and other mixed projects that have not yet been adapted.   Conditions of use: temporarily unavailable, reopen later


The essence of vest bag:

  1. The first stage reduces the repetition rate. The initial version of my development is basically similar to other tools currently on the market, mainly the basic function of global substitution of class name, method name, and variable name.
  2. The second stage reduces the similarity (normal distribution of the same elements). At present, the tool has been greatly improved after optimization and continuous reconstruction, and it basically meets the requirements in this respect. For details, see the following function introduction. There are two sides to everything. The more powerful the function, the longer it will take to confuse. If your project is large, it is possible to confuse for a few hours. Please do not take offense, and continue to optimize.

Distinguish the pros and cons of tools

In fact, to identify the pros and cons of a tool, just look at the following points:

  1. Can modify all attributes, methods, and all parameter names of methods
  2. Modify the name of the member (attribute, method), can it be distinguished by class, or a simple global replacement
  3. Can modify the method with block parameters, a typical network request

For example:+ (BOOL)post:(NSString *)url parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters success:(HttpRequestResponse)success error:(HttpRequestResponse)error;

  1. The length of the changed name of the method name and attribute name (this tool can guarantee that 60~80% of the changed name is a common word, such as name, title, etc., and ensure that it does not conflict with the system.Completely abandon the simple practice of relying on a large number of word libraries to ensure the uniqueness of naming, The real simulation of manual development)
  2. Modify the layout (Frame, Masonry, SDAutoLayout)
  3. Is the code inserted or "garbage" (this tool creates custom controls, encapsulates network requests, and uses MVC pattern association between files to completely bid farewell to "garbage" and mix the spurious with the genuine).
  4. Not to mention "Who else..." can identify macros, distinguish contextual content such as inheritance chains, and intelligently identify unmodifiable parts

For example: + (void)init ;-(void)reloadData; basically can be changed, who else can do it? "

  1. Normal projects (or third-party libraries) basically do not report errors after obfuscation (except for some individual improper grammars that cause confusion and report errors)

You are also welcome to use different tools to confuse the test project confuse_test or third-party open source library projects to compare the effects.


confuse is a confusion tool that simulates manual development as much as possible, imitates some functions of Xcode, and avoids machine core 4.3, 2.1, 2.3.1, account surveys, etc.
Goal: Simulate manually modify everything that can be changed , which is why this tool only has a blacklist and no whitelist
The detailed functions are as follows (the basic functions are not described, see other tools for details):


The following functions are supported:

  1. Blacklist (secondary) filtering, freely control the obfuscated content of each function, and adapt to almost all projects.
  2. Confusion percentage control, you can freely adjust according to the actual needs of your own project
  3. Smart noun substitution:
    1. When renaming, use the combination of related type existing information + similar semantics + type + some old vocabulary, and filter sensitive words. At the same time, users can also customize sensitive words.Deprecate'random word brainless combination'
    2. Different types of members with the same name -> different types of members with different names, and different types of different name members -> different types of members with the same name, simulating normal development. Members refer to methods, attributes, and functions
  4. Intelligent identification of unmodifiable parts: Identifying systems, third parties, and Pod methods through types and inheritance chains is not a'simple' equality judgment, for example:
    1. Class method: + (void)init; in principle, it can be changed anywhere
    2. Object method:-(void)reloadData; can be changed if it is not a subclass of UITableView
    3. Property: @property (readonly) NSUInteger length; it can be changed if it is not a subclass of NSString

General part

  1. [Project Configuration], as long as you select the project path, other default configurations will be automatically completed
    1. Global setting "Ignore path", support regular, better use with blacklist
    2. ' xcodeproj' setting, for multiple xcodeproj projects and xx.xcodeproj is not in the project root directory
    3. 'Scheme' is confused and consistent with Xcode
    4. 'Debug mode', you can view the comparison before and after the modification in the source file to avoid the difficulty of git comparison after the file name modification or major changes
    5. 'Reference project root path' setting, read the word and UUID of the reference project
    6. 'Sensitive words' filtering
    7. ' Version iteration confusion ', iteratively update after review, continue to use the last time (you can also choose the version arbitrarily) to obfuscate the record incremental confusion, maintain version continuity, and simulate normal development. Advantages: Development and obfuscation are synchronized and independent . The main functions currently support update confusion
  2. [Antivirus], Xcode poisoning, XCSSET Malware
    1. 'UUID suffix', the virus will randomly insert UUID with a fixed suffix, regular scanning
    2. 'Script path feature', a suspicious script will be executed before virus compilation, support regular scanning
    3. 'Run script code flag', a suspicious script code will be executed before virus compilation, support regular scanning
  3. [Resource replacement], specify the resource folder that needs to be replaced before obfuscation , and automatically replace the file with the same name, which is convenient and quick
  4. [Edit picture], quality modification, size shift, local pixel fine-tuning,RGBA offset,mode modification (support hot update)
  5. [Modify file attributes], such as creation time, access time, modification time
  6. [Modify item], no need to delete Cocoapods
    1. Can be set to'modify uuid', completely refurbished
    2. Customize the name of the'modify target', and the associated information will be updated synchronously
  7. Automatic source code backup


  1. [Remove comment], you can set " reserve space" and "reserve pragma", which is convenient for viewing in the test phase
  2. [Rename picture], intelligent noun replacement , automatically correct the situation that the picture name and the xcassets folder name do not correspond
    1. 'Run splicing name' can be set, which is used for the image name generated by string splicing at runtime
    2. You can set the'rename associated string' to modify the situation where the string is equal to the picture name
    3. The switch of'ignore dangerous names' can be set
  3. [Insert picture], automatically insert pictures, and simulate manual calls according to context and type, and the number of inserts can be specified
  4. [Rename property], support all types of @property , advantages:
    1. Identify grammar, identify type, inheritance relationship, attribute name confusion and class name (including inheritance chain) association , automatically identify system attributes
    2. File name Model suffix filtering can be set
  5. [Insert property], creation, assignment, and modification are all associated with existing types, smart noun replacement
    1. 'Percentage control'
    2. 'Model suffix' switch, purpose: to avoid model archiving or data transfer failure
    3. Can be executed multiple times, the index x2 increases
  6. [Rename method], similar to Xcode's Rename function , advantages:
    1. Syntax-related, identification of types, inheritance relationships, support for multi-parameter modification, confusion of method names, class names (including inheritance chains) and type associations , automatic identification of system methods
  7. [Insert method], insert and call context-related methods, bid farewell to "garbage code", advantages:
    1. According to the return value type of the method, create the corresponding method in the category. At the same time , the return value of the original method is encapsulated and use (local variables, attributes, formal parameters) called.
    2. Can be executed multiple times, the index x2 increases
  8. [Modification method], simulating manual package call, advantages:
    1. Split the call to the original method and adjust it locally according to the parameter type (support inheritance) . For details, see the summary table of supported parameter types.
    2. Can be executed multiple times, the index x2 increases
  9. [Rename global variables], smart noun substitution
  10. [Modify global variables], replace global variable names, convert global variables into global functions , and confuse string variable values
  11. [Insert local variable], single-line compound call becomes simple multi-line call, change the execution order
  12. [Modify local variables], simulate manual encapsulation call, variable name association type, advantages:
    1. Local variable values remain unchanged during operation, see the summary table of supported types for details
    2. Can be executed multiple times, the index x2 increases
  13. [Rename multilingual], using a system of direct or indirect methods NSLocalizedString , NSLocalizedStringFromTable multilingual modified
  14. [Modify string], support arbitrary string, encryption processing (hard code -> memory), the original string is kept in the comment for easy inspection
    1. Set the'minimum length' filter
    2. You can also set the " effective number" to use together
  15. [Modify xib, storyboard], automatically insert the view, and modify the internal structure properties
  16. [Modify font] , randomly fine-tune the font used in the project, and identify macros
  17. [Modify color], randomly shift the color of the UI controls in the project, and identify the macro
  18. [UI layout offset], support frame, Mansonry, SDAutoLayout common layout fine-tuning
  19. [Insert file], generate other files (encapsulate network requests, create custom controls, simulate normal development), and call them automatically in the project ; Note: (Under the project root path, a folder of " other_xxx_file " will be generated , and the sub-option Target controls Import method, if it is empty, you need to manually import, just drag the generated folder into the project; otherwise, automatically import)
  20. [Insert text], generate json, txt, doc, plist and other text files, which are automatically called in the project ; note: (under the project root path, a folder of " other_xxx_text " will be generated , and the generated files will be automatically imported )
  21. [Rename class], the class name is not limited (for example: my, My), you can specify to add a prefix, advantages:
    1. Smart noun substitution
    2. Can be set to'rename files with the same name'
    3. You can set'rename similar strings', (ignore | equal | include) three modes
    4. Added 'correct non-standard dot grammar', calling for non-standard dot grammar (methods are called as attributes)


  1. [Rename attribute], support all type attributes, recognize syntax, recognize type, inherit
  2. [Insert attributes], insert attributes (member variables) and call each other to modify, automatic initialization, destruction, and assignment modification in other methods and other similar manual operations, support'percentage control'
  3. [Rename method], similar to Xcode's Rename function, identifying types, templates, overloading, rewriting, inheritance, etc.
  4. [Modification method], use overloading technology to modify the function prototype and call the modified parameter
  5. [Modify string], support arbitrary string, encryption processing (hard code -> memory), the original string is kept in the comment for easy inspection
    1. Set the'minimum length' filter
    2. You can also set the " effective number" to use together
  6. [Rename class], support template and other types
    1. Can switch the old mode
    2. Prefix setting
    3. Can be set to'rename files with the same name'


This part of the function is integrated into C++ and supports cocos2dx automatic filtering


Adapt to Swift5.3, the SPM package management project has not yet been tested

  1. [Rename Picture], smart noun replacement, and automatically correct the situation where the picture name and the xcassets folder name do not correspond to each other
    1. You can set a ‘run splicing name’ for the image name generated by string splicing at runtime
    2. ‘Ignore dangerous names’ switch can be set
  2. [Rename attribute], basic function, without too much description, advantages:
    1. Similar to OC [Rename attribute], identify inheritance chain and nested type, support storage and calculation of attributes, observers, wrappers, class attributes
    2. File name Model suffix filtering can be set
  3. [insert property], use calculated properties to wrap and call and replace the original properties
    1. Support storage and calculation of attributes, observers, wrappers, class attributes
    2. File name Model suffix filtering can be set
  4. [Rename method], the basic functions are renamed similar to other tools, without too much description, advantages: identification of inheritance chain nested types, support for (class, struct, enum) static methods and instance methods, and optional chains, etc.
  5. [Modification method], use overloading technology to modify the function prototype and call the modified parameter
  6. [Modify string], recognize single-line, multi-line, string interpolation, and extended string. After the modification, it can be freely combined by a variety of methods such as encryption and split character groups, and the comments of the original characters are reserved for easy inspection
    1. Set the'minimum length' filter
    2. You can also set the "effective number" to use together
  7. [Rename class], the class name is not limited (for example: my, My), identify nested types and typealias, support class, struct, enum, protocol
    1. Can be set to'rename files with the same name'
    2. 'Prefix' can be set

Note: In the current mixed project of Swift and OC, the mutual call between OC and Swift needs to be added to the blacklist manually, which will be optimized in the future.


Update iterations will be carried out in the following order

  1. Objective-C (95%), mainly to improve the versatility and stability of the tool, and strengthen the function
    1. Audio and video files are used less and will be added later
  2. Swift (60%), under development...
    1. Modify local variables
    2. Insert file
  3. C++ (65%), under development...
    1. Method: Insert
    2. Property: modify
    3. Global variables: modify
    4. Local variables: modify
  4. Lua (0%) is too specific, and it is temporarily closed. If users have this demand, we will refactor this part
  5. C# (0%), I don’t use much in actual projects, so I ranked last, depending on user needs before deciding
  6. Other functions:
    1. Fast obfuscation mode

Graphic introduction

Run the APP rendering, please read the tool usage tutorial in detail before use

Update log

v5.1.0 (2021.08.29)

  1. Added Swift [insert property], use calculated properties to wrap and call and replace the original properties
    1. Support storage and calculation of attributes, observers, wrappers, class attributes
    2. File name Model suffix filtering can be set
  2. Optimized [Modify String] to solve the problem of escaping one more time after decryption after the escaped string is confused
  3. Optimize OC [insert file], optimize performance to reduce confusion time
  4. Fix [Environment check] becomes English after repairing reset configuration
  5. Fix the problem that the information related to switching accounts is not refreshed in time

View more historical update records

Thanks for the feedback


Link navigation

  1. Tool usage tutorial
  2. Software Questions and Answers (Q&A)
  3. [Modification method] Parameter type summary table
  4. [Modify local variables] Modify local variables-summary table of supported types