OpenShift Minio Backup - Docker Image


  • A 🐳 Docker image used to backup database to minio file system

Environnement variables

HOST: hostname of minio server BUCKET: minio bucket name

Service account creation

create the service account:

echo '{"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"ServiceAccount","metadata":{"name":"openshift-minio-backup"}}' | oc create -f -

Add the permission:

oc policy add-cluster-role-to-user backup-to-minio system:serviceaccount:`oc project -q`:openshift-minio-backup

Get the API Token associated with the service account:

SA_TOKEN=$(oc get sa/openshift-minio-backup --template='{{range .secrets}}{{printf "%s\n" .name}}{{end}}' | grep openshift-minio-backup-token |  tail -n 1)
API_TOKEN=$(oc get secrets ${SA_TOKEN} --template '{{.data.token}}' | base64 -d)

Echo the value for the configuration file or environment variable:


To build the Docker image

  • Build the image using docker
$ docker build -t openshift-minio-backup .


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Dockerfile based on work