
I applied the concepts I’ve learned to complete the required PyBank Python activity and stretched my skills even further by doing the the optional PyRamen Python activity. Both activities presented a real-world situation in which my newfound Python skills will come inhandy.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


I applied the concepts I’ve learned to complete the required PyBank Python activity and stretched my skills even further by doing the the optional PyRamen Python activity. Both activities presented a real-world situation in which my newfound Python skills will come inhandy.

1. PyBank

In this assignment, I created a Python script that analyzes the financial records of your company. Using a financial dataset in budget_data.csv composed of two columns, Date and Profit/Losses, my task is to create a Python script that analyzes the records to calculate each of the following:

  • The total number of months included in the dataset
  • The net total amount of Profit/Losses over the entire period
  • The average of the changes in Profit/Losses over the entire period
  • The greatest increase in profits (date and amount) over the entire period
  • The greatest decrease in losses (date and amount) over the entire period

2. PyRamen (Optional)

In this assignment, I created a Python script that analyzes the financial records of Ichiban Ramen by analyze the business's financial performance by cross-referencing your sales data with the internal menu data to figure out revenues and costs for the year. In this program, I analyzed how well the business did on a per-product basis (as you have several choices of ramen) in order to better understand which products are doing well, which are doing poor and ultimately, which products may need to be removed or changed.

Ichiban Ramen tried doing this type of per-product analysis last year in Excel, but were not able to keep their reports up-to-date with your current sales data, therefore, they need to innovate. With more customers and more data to process, they needed a tool that will allow you to automate your calculationsin a manner that scales with your business. Python was the tool selected and provides a wide range of capabilities for handling data, harnessing the power of low-level Python data structures and high-leveldevelopment libraries, all the while supporting the automation and scalability needs for a growing enterprise.

My task is to create a Python script that analyzes the financial records to analyze the business's financial performance. This assignment has two parts:

  • Read the Data
  • Manipulate the Data

Instructions on how to use

1. Go into the PyBank folder and launch PyBank.py from a terminal

  • An output.txt will be created by the program after it is executed

2. Go into the PyRamen folder and launch PyRamen.py from a terminal

  • An output.txt will be created by the program after it is executed
