

Implementation of a module for adding pictures using rails Active_Storage gem. Below is the list of steps that are made to implement the module in the repository.

Initialize the rails application.

rails new picture-module -d mysql -T

-T removes the test gem that is preinstalled. I prefer rspec.

get into the application file directory. cd picture-module

run bundle to install the pending gems. bundle install

then create the database rails db:create

do a database migration to get initial values to the databases created rails db:migrate

start the server to confirm that all worked well. check out localhost:3000 in the browser rails server

create the model, view and controller for the photo to be added. This implements scaffold which helps to do all that. rails g scaffold photo title caption:text

migrate the values into the database rails db:migrate

now restart the server with "ctrl + c"

make a root for you application in config/route.rb. add: root to: 'photos#index'

check out localhost:3000

Now, add the active storage gem into your application. rails active_storage:install

run the migration for the active storage data rails db:migrate

add the variable for holding your photo into app/models/photo.rb has_one_attached :photo

add the variable into the controller paramitters app/controllers/PhotosController.rb

change "params.require(:photo).permit(:title, :caption)" into: params.require(:photo).permit(:title, :caption, :photo)

make the photo visible in the views. add the code below to app/views/photos/form.html.erb this will display the photo

  <%= image_tag(@photo.photo) %>
#you can add some styling to the photo with the code below.
  <%= image_tag(@photo.photo, style: 'width: 200px; height: auto') %>
make the image clickable
  <%= link_to image_tag(@photo.photo, style: 'width: 200px; height: auto'), photos_path %>