Vampire Village React App

This React application is a multiplayer game called Vampire Village, where players take on the roles of villagers and vampires in a battle of wits and deduction.

Day Phase Instructions:

  • During the day phase, all players gather in the village square to discuss and deliberate.
  • Villagers should share any suspicions they have about other players and present evidence if available.
  • Players can ask questions, analyze behavior, and attempt to deduce the identities of vampires.
  • The goal for villagers is to identify and vote out suspected vampires.
  • Players must be cautious not to reveal sensitive information that could be used by vampires against them.
  • Once all discussions are complete, players vote on which player they believe is a vampire.
  • The player with the most votes is eliminated from the game and their role is revealed.
  • After the vote, the game progresses to the night phase.

Night Phase Instructions:

  • During the night phase, vampires secretly select a player to eliminate.
  • Villagers must try to protect themselves from vampire attacks.
  • Special roles like the Seer may have additional actions they can perform during the night.
  • Once all actions are resolved, the day phase begins again.

How to Run the App:

To run the Vampire Village React App locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine and create .env file
  2. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
  3. Install dependencies by running npm install or yarn install.
  4. Create a Firebase project and configure it with your Firebase credentials.
  5. Update the Firebase configuration in the app's source code.
  6. Start the development server by running npm start or yarn start.
  7. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the app.

Technologies Used:

  • React
  • Firebase (for backend services)


  • Chrisphine10