
Frontend toolkit for building Bristol City Council web sites.

Primary LanguageHTML

Getting started


The requirements for running the Frontend SDK are

Developer Requirements

NOTE: To install compass 0.12.7 you must first uninstall any previous version.

$ gem uninstall compass

And then...

$ gem install compass -v 0.12.7



To get started using the Bristol Frontend SDK, head to our GitHub and clone our repository "Bristol Frontend SDK" into your workspace.

$ git clone https://github.com/BristolCityCouncil/web_styles.git .


Our framework requires a few dependencies to run.


From the command line, run composer to install dependencies.

$ composer install

or if you do not have composer in the /usr/bin

$  php composer.phar install

Task runner (development only)

If you wish to edit and add code to the library, you will have to install the development dependencies.

$ npm install

Note: you may need to add sudo before the command on linux systems.

To ensure everything was installed correctly, you can run

$ grunt 

From your project folder. Hit "cmd+c", or "ctrl+c" on windows, to exit grunt.