Encode and decode Eurobalise contents as described in ETCS subset 36 (FFFIS for Eurobalise, v3.1.0, Dec 17th 2015)
Copyright 2023, Fokke Bronsema, fokke@bronsema.net, version 3, October 4th 2023 Disclaimer: use at your own risk, the author is not responsible for incorrect en-/decoded messages leading to train related mayhem.
- https://www.era.europa.eu/system/files/2023-01/sos3_index009_-_subset-036_v310.pdf (paragraph 4.3.2)
- https://lemmatalogic.com/lfsrscrambler/
- https://www.moria.us/articles/demystifying-the-lfsr/
- Towards Modeling and Verification of Eurobalise Telegram Encoding Algorithm, Sergey Staroletov, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146523000728
Usage: compile balise_codec.c. This yields a command line executable (64-bit executable is included in repository) with the following command line parameters:
-i, --input_filename Read lines with data from the indicated
file (UTF-8, no BOM) and convert its
contents from shaped data to unshaped data
and vice versa. This tool automatically
determines the used format (base64/hex)
and length (short/long). Lines must be
separated by '\n' ('\r' will be ignored).
If both the shaped and unshaped data are
given on one line (separated by a comma),
SS39 will check the correct shaping.
Comments must be preceded by '#'.
-o, --output_filename Write output to this file.
-s, --string Input string (shaped and/or deshaped
string in base64/hex), format identical to
one line in the input file.
-v, --verbose Level of verbosity: 0 (quiet, only show
result), 1 (+show progress, default), 2
(+basic output) or 3 (+lots of output).
-m, --max_cpu Max nr of cpu's to use. Multithreading is
enabled by default for verbosity <= 1 or
if set to 0.
-l, --force_long Force shaping to the long format (1023
bits), even if the unshaped data is of
short format (341 bits). If not specified,
this tool will use the same format as the
input data.
-f, --format_output Output format for the shaped telegram:
'hex' or 'base64' (default).
-e, --show_error_codes Shows the meaning of the error codes that
can be generated when checking / shaping
-E, --error_only Output only the telegrams in which an
error was found (-e gives the error
-T, --run_tests Run various tests to check the workings of
this program, using input from the input
file. This tool uses lines from the input
files containing both decoded and encoded
For example: balise_codec.exe -i dummy_input.csv -o dummy_output.csv -f hex -v1
The error codes below can be generated when checking / shaping a telegram.
See SUBSET-036 paragraph 4.3 for more details concerning error codes >= 10.
Error code Explanation
0 No error
1 No input specified
2 A logical error (not further specified)
3 Error creating output file
4 Error during memory allocation
10 Alphabet condition fails
11 Off-sync parsing condition fails
12 Aperiodicity condition fails
13 Undersampling check fails
14 Control bits check fails
15 Check bits check fails
16 Overflow of SB and ESB (should never occur, please contact author if it did)
17 Error during conversion from 10 bits to 11 bits (11-bit value not found in list of transformation words)
18 Shaped contents do not match the unshaped contents (encoding error)
The library in ss36.c/h contains definitions and methods that can be used to encode and decode Eurobalise contents. Please read Subset 39 for more information and a mathematical background. The ss36-library uses another library, longnum.c/h, which deals with low level bit manipulation of long numbers (balise contents can exist of up to 1023 bits). GF2 contains binary Galois Field functions used by the ss36 library for shaping and deshaping the balise contents. The opt-library (see https://public.lanl.gov/jt/Software/, included in a zip-file) is used for parsing the command line.