
Commons is a community project focused on all aspects of reusable Go code.

MIT LicenseMIT


Commons is a community project focused on all aspects of reusable Go code.

This repository is for issues and general discussions. There will never be code in this repository. Commons packages will be repositories under the go-commons org and have import names under the gopher.rocks/commons vanity URL. e.g. gopher.rocks/commons/log


Packages in this organization will be versioned individually. For example, if there is a strings package, it will be an individual Github repository, and maintain independent version tags.

Compatibility Guarantees

TBD, (strong)

Use of External Packages

The go-commons libraries will use only Go's standard library to avoid any external dependencies. This pragmatic choice allows us to better prevent breakage in the libraries we create.

Code Standards


Go Standards

Code Review Process