
This repository is an implementation of a CNN Classifier in Pytorch to accomplish the Plant Pathology 2020 Kaggle Challenge.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Welcome you! This is my implementation of a CNN Classifier in Pytorch for the Plant Pathology 2020 Competition hosted at Kaggle.

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The goal of the Competition was to train a model using images of a training set to

  1. Accurately classify a given image from testing dataset into different diseased category of healthy leaf;
  2. Accurately distinguish between many diseases, sometimes more than one on a single leaf;
  3. Deal with rare classes and novel symptoms;
  4. Address depth perception—angle, light, shade, physiological age of the leaf; and
  5. Incorporate expert knowledge in identification, annotation, quantification, and guiding computer vision to search for relevant features during learning.

I was able to achieve the top 17% leaderboard with an MC AUROC Score of 0.97165, getting the 219° place (of a total of 1317 teams).

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First, i performed a simple EDA on the dataset provided by Kaggle. You can check it in the notebook Exploratory Analysis.ipynb.

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Second, in the notebook CNN Train in Pytorch.ipynb you shall find every bit of detail of how the training was accomplished using a ResneSt50 architecture. By the end of the entire training process, i was able to achieve a 95.968% accuracy on the test set.

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I set a seed if you wish to reproduce the results. You can obtain the dataset in the original link of the competition that i provided at the beggining.