
readme files for basic CS problems

Primary LanguageJava

Study Guide Topics

These will be discussed:

  1. Sorting Algorithms
  • Bubble Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Mergesort
  • Quicksort
  • Intro Sort
  • Tim Sort
  • Radix Sort Distribution Based|
  • Bucket Sort [Distribution Based]
  • Shell Sort
  • Topological Sort
  1. Data Structures
  • Linked List: Singly, Doubly, Circular
  • Bit Maps
  • Queue
  • Stack
  • Deque
  • Hash Table: Separate Chaining, Linear Probing, Hash Functions
  • Hash Map
  • Hash Set
  • Set (Interface)
  • Map (Interface)
  • Trees: AVL Tree, Red-Black Tree, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Spanning Tree
  • Graphs (Undirected, Weighted Acyclic, Tree, Forest)
  • Flow Network (aka directed graph)
  • Priority Queue
  • Trie
  • Suffix Tree
  • Heap
  • Binary Heap
  1. General Alogirthms
  • Binary Search
  • Knuth–Morris–Pratt Algorithm
  • Floyd-Warshall
  • Traveling Salesman
  • Robin-Karp Alogirthm
  • Dijkstra's Algorithm
  • A*
  • Depth First Search
  • Breadth First Search
  • Minimum Spanning Tree
  • MST Prim's
  • MST Kruskal's
  • Chu-Li Edmond's (Directed Graphs)
  • LRU cache
  • Knapsack [Dynamic]
  • Fibonacci [Dynamic]
  • Towers of Hanoi [Dynamic]
  • Longest Common Subsequence [Dynamic]
  • Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
  • Min-Max Theorem (Network Flow)
  • Simplex (Network Flow)
  • Blossom algorithm (Graph)
  • Steinhaus Johnson Trotter (Permutations)
  • Sieve of Eratosthenes
  • Dining philosophers problem
  1. Common Interview Problems
  • Palindromes
  • Most/Least common character
  • Longest Alphabetized Substring
  • Word Ladder
  • Linked-List/Graph Traversal (Sum)
  • Backtracking
  • Memory (Leaks, Automating Memory Leaks [Valgrind])
  • What does out of memory imply?
  • String reversal
  1. Networking
  • Network Layer
  • HTTP Protocol
  • SSL
  • IP Routers
  • TCP & UDP
  • Subnetting Mask
  • STMP & POP3
  • Ping
  • TCP Handshake
  • Browser; what happens?
  1. OS
  • Process & Threads
  • Memory organization
  • Booting Process
  • Deadlock
  • Starvation
  • IPC
  • Inode *Extras: Daemon, etc.
  1. Databases
  • SQL Queries
  • Indexing
  • Normalization
  • ACID
  • SQL Injection & Prevention (security)
  • Inner and Outer Join
  1. Architecture
  • Backend Architecture
  1. UNIX
  2. Mixture of Problems
  • Leetcode
  • Project Euler
  • HackerRank
  • Companies
  1. List of companies
  • Just a long list of companies working in software


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