Matt's Framework for JDA

This Framework is very similar to Matt's Framework for Spigot, though it is for creating Discord Bot commands rather than Plugin commands.

Be aware that this is still a W.I.P, pull requests and suggestions are very welcome


The dependency is on Maven Central, Maven Central

Be sure to replace VERSION with the current version found on the maven repository




dependencies {
    implementation "me.mattstudios.utils:matt-framework-jda:VERSION"


Creating commands

Creating a command can be done by making a class that extends CommandBase and annotating it with @Command

Example !ping command:

public class PingCommand extends CommandBase {
    public void defaultCommand() {
        TextChannel channel = message.textChannel;

Registering the command

Registering commands can be done by first creating a JDA instance, then passing that instance to an instance of CommandManager, then calling the register() method to register a command.

Example command registry:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JDA jda = JDABuilder.create("my_bot_token", Arrays.asList(GatewayIntent.EXAMPLE))
        CommandManager commandManager = new CommandManager(jda);

You can also optionally provide a global prefix to the CommandManager by using the CommandManager(JDA jda, String globalPrefix) constructor

Example global prefix:

CommandManager commandManager = new CommandManager(jda, "!");