This bot is active in the following channels on freenode:
- #mcseu
- #craftlist
- #OompaLoompa
- #DaPing
This is the help file as of 06/01/2014
- 4fuckr (me)
- 65( )wat(?)
- Der Chat ist auch tot - Displays a funny quote
- PARTY - slaps this person (wbkkramer only;))
- alarm - Displays a alarm relaeted quote
- applause|applaud|bravo|slow clap - Get applause
- cmd add =><link|searchterm> - Adds a command. If the name starts with R: you can use regex!
- cmd del - Deletes a command
- cmd show - Lists all commands
- cmd show - Show content of command
- OompaLoompa 9gag me - Returns a random meme image
- OompaLoompa doesn't have role - Removes a role from a user
- OompaLoompa has role - Assigns a role to a user
- OompaLoompa IchHalt - Display a IchHalt specific text
- OompaLoompa Matthias - Display a Matthias specific text
- OompaLoompa animate me - The same thing as
image me
, except adds a few parameters to try to return an animated GIF instead. - OompaLoompa ascii me - Show text in ascii art
- OompaLoompa aww - Display the picture from /r/aww
- OompaLoompa beta mcseu - Display if the is down
- OompaLoompa craftlist - Display if is down
- OompaLoompa die - End OompaLoompa process
- OompaLoompa echo - Reply back with
- OompaLoompa fb latest - Zeigt den neusten Beitrag an
- OompaLoompa fb notify - Aktiviert die Down/Uptime Benachrichtungen
- OompaLoompa fb notify disable- Deaktiviert die Down/Uptime Benachrichtungen
- OompaLoompa help - Displays all of the help commands that OompaLoompa knows about.
- OompaLoompa help - Displays all help commands that match .
- OompaLoompa image me - The Original. Queries Google Images for and returns a random top result.
- OompaLoompa map me - Returns a map view of the area returned by
. - OompaLoompa mcseu - Display if the is down
- OompaLoompa mcseu notify - DEPRECATED
- OompaLoompa mustache me - Searches Google Images for the specified query and mustaches it.
- OompaLoompa mustache me - Adds a mustache to the specified URL.
- OompaLoompa ping - Reply with pong
- OompaLoompa pug bomb N - get N pugs
- OompaLoompa pug me - Receive a pug
- OompaLoompa show storage - Display the contents that are persisted in the brain
- OompaLoompa show users - Display all users that OompaLoompa knows about
- OompaLoompa specialcraft - Display if the is down
- OompaLoompa stackoverflow ( with tags <tag,tag>)
- OompaLoompa the rules - Make sure OompaLoompa still knows the rules.
- OompaLoompa throw a coin - Gives you heads or tails
- OompaLoompa time - Reply with current time
- OompaLoompa translate me - Searches for a translation for the and then prints that bad boy out.
- OompaLoompa translate me from
- OompaLoompa what role does have - Find out what roles are assigned to a specific user
- OompaLoompa who has admin role - Find out who's an admin and can assign roles OompaLoompa youtube me - Searches YouTube for the query and returns the v- ideo embed link.
- kot - Displays a image of shit (From Google)
- niggawat(t)(s)(?)
- popcorn - Displays a image of popcorn (From Google)
- sarcastic applause|clap - Get sarcastic applause
- ship it - Display a motivation squirrel
- test - Echos "Bestanden"
- wat(?) - Displays a WAT? image (From Google)